The Future of Big-O Software and AIM+

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Re: >(

Post by earthdogg911 »

Davegeta wrote:Okay, so I didn't read this all.
But here is my Synopsis:

Some of you people are ******* ingrateful. Period. Seriously, you're crying and moaning about something that didn't come out on the date promised. Who gives a flying fudge? I mean, Jesus Christ, these people obviously, as stated awhile ago, don't have ALOT of freetime, and when they do, it's in YOUR best interest. For the future or instant messaging. I may just be a effin' Newbie, but I don't care. I love AIM+, I only lurked on the Forums. I've come to the realization that those of you who AREN'T greatfull for the FREE software you have gotten, should go eat an effin' large ****. I am aware some of you have Contributed money to the cause, and duely rewarded with you was AIM+ 2.2.1. So, if they finish AIM+ 3.0, or release it, if it's done, you have a new version. I for one wouldn't question their ethics as programmers. No one deserves the harassment that goes along with defying the system. And AIM+ is doing just that.
So all of you crying who haven't even Contributed, please, do us an effin' favor and shut up.

Mark, Ryan, good luck. I wouldn't let the opinions of other's (The retards who are against the Hiatus) get in your way, They have nothing better to do but cry and moan over spilled milk.

The retards: Get a Life, and further more, get over yourself. Compared to them programmers, you are nothing but insignificant retards.

Edit: Sorry, I don't know if they care about Swearing around the board.
Second Edit: Fixed my post x.x
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Post by Jeremy »

DeadAIM works for 5.1 too, yay. i've switched between DeadAIM and MyIM on AIM 4.8 all day. Then i just deleted them both, got AIM 5.1 and then re-downloaded DeadAIM. It works nicely, i wish it had MyIM's "profile" feature though, but oh well. :] - The Cockiest Place On The Net
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Post by Marth and Roy »

Yea mines in gray too thats probably why i didnt notice it...i might be because i have AIM+ too...btw can MyIM, DeadAIM and AIM+ all run together on 4.8 i dont see why i would need it but it would be cool
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Post by SparkleSatine »

Wow, we're off topic...

I kind of want to ask if big-o can sell/offer the info to MAKE the programme to another programmer & then let that company tweak and whatnot to make it their own. Of course, this would have to be done with no records...but since it's free, it shouldn't be an ownership issue.
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Post by ZildjianB »

SparkleSatine wrote:Wow, we're off topic...

I kind of want to ask if big-o can sell/offer the info to MAKE the programme to another programmer & then let that company tweak and whatnot to make it their own. Of course, this would have to be done with no records...but since it's free, it shouldn't be an ownership issue.
I would definitely love to see some kind of open source release of the AIM+ code from Big O if, as it seems, we will never see AIM+ 3.0. Selling is also an option, but it does not seem that Mark and Ryan are in it for the $$. I would love to play around with a few additions to AIM, and having a starting point would be a huge time saver. What do you say Mark/Ryan?
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Post by Anthony »

A lot of people have been saying how we should use IRC to chat. The problem with this is you have to download a program to do so. Not true any more as someone has made a java program that will connect you... Here it is: All you have to do is put in a user name and hit connect :)
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Post by bfavre4 »

Yeah, what is the "profile" feature in MyIM?? And why is DeadAIM less stable since it's integrated into AIM and not a separate EXE like AIM+?
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Post by mustang0o06 »

Well, I know the answer to the second half of you question, bfavre4. It's basically because, AIM+ is Great! :D lol
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Post by Knight »

Timelessblurr wrote:
never used it I just started using dead aim because the ads bother me so much

Here's a techie / low tech answer to that.

goto the start menu and start your file search program. (different ways for diffent versions of Win)

search for Hosts (no extenstion)

you'll find it in
in win 2000 and XP I think it's in
c:\windows\system in Win9X

just search for it an you will find it.

Open it up using Notepad

underneath the localhost lines, add this

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Post by SkatePhilly »

Im gonna stop reading these posts. . . every time a check there is at least a 100 posts since a last check. I cant wait till you release AIM+3.0 I'll be waiting . I dont know how the real world feels so I'll wait as long as you guys need.
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Re: The Future of Big-O Software and AIM+

Post by Big-O Mark »

ZildjianB wrote:I had to join the forums to say that I totally support your decision 110%. As a fellow software developer, I completely understand your thinking: No piece of software is worth your personal safety. I hope whoever is responsible for the harassment is caught and held accountable for their actions.

On another note, I must say that there is no excuse for the level of immaturity and disrespect I have seen displayed in several of the posts to this forum and others around the web regarding this topic. The persons responsible for such ignorant outbursts (you know who you are) obviously are not deserving of such a fine piece of software. No one is owed or entitled to Aim+ simply because it was due to be released. Furthermore, I know from personal experience that the last thing you want to do after you have finished slaving over a piece of software is NOT release it!! This has to be killing Mark and Ryan, and all this childish whining will get you nowhere. Stop being so selfish people.
Wow ... thanks so much for taking the time to register and post this. There's been a lot of negativity lately, and posts like this mean lot!
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Post by gungpow80 »

I agree with asmiley1. AIM+ is such a great program. Because of it, I spent countless hours re-reading conversations with friends. heheh I love it. Plenty of people still want to enjoy the program, and I respect your discision to discontinue the production of the software. However, I also do not like the idea of good people like yourselves giving into some 13 year old with acne problems, who has nothing better to do than make others feel the same pain as they do haha. But yeah, maybe it is AOL messing with you, or some coorporate buttmungle, but whatever. The only way these assmuches get power is because people give it to them. Don't give it to them.
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Post by razorbuzz »

call me crazy but a true hacker wouldn't identify himself as a hacker through traceable means (such as a public bulletin board) and a true hacker would never disclose the identities of other hackers (especially with their personal info posted all over the internet). I think you should trade in the gray hat for a dunce cap.'re crazy. Nothing is wrong with being a hacker. Nothing illegal about being a hacker. Nothing negative about being a hacker. Hence, why I pointed to the definition of a enlighten persons, such as yourself, to what a hacker is.

Ryan is a hacker because he was the code writer for the programs. Mark is a hacker because of the code he writes for the site. (Perhaps I have the roles confused...feel free to switch their names around while reading if I do). As for myself and others, and even Mark and Ryan, there are multiple reasons to be called a hacker. Ewas done to Mark and Ryan is not what a hacker would do. There is a Hacker Code of Ethics.

Besides..if you think what I did is traceble, feel free to trace it. You won't get very far. =)
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Post by border9 »

OK, clarification time.

Hackers are the nice people who brought you FreeBSD, they may be "crackers"
in the sense of being unstable, unreasonable, anti-social, self-opinionated,
ego-maniac synchronized swimming fans. But they don't break things for fun,
profit or revenge.

Crackers are people who break things, for fun, because it's cool in some
circles, because they have nothing better to do -- there are phasers in the
ports collection, you can use them to see if your system can resist attack,
or you can just shoot at any passing target with them. These are the JDs.

Then there are the crackers who crack systems as professionals, for political,
monetary or ideological reasons. If they are very good they probably never get
prosecuted but end up working for the government.

Then there is a character in Italy who syn scans me once a week or so. He
might be a cracker who is crackers as well. If he is listening, there is nothing
interesting on port 512 either.

"The box said 'Requires Windows 2000, XP, or better' -- so I installed FreeBSD."
that quote was taken from, that is what a hacker is, dont forget to check out #BigOSoftware on / java applet
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Post by Rebel7254 »

I'm just going to go with DeadAIM, you big bunch of whining crybabies. "Boooo hoooo, people are calling us names. Waaaa, waaaaah" Gimme a break. What a lame excuse. "Let's punish everybody anticipating AIM+ 3.0 because of a few losers who are bothering us." Yeah, that makes sense. :roll:

DeadAIM is better anyway. I was just looking forward to being able to rename buddies. When I found out about the way you little babies decided to act, I downloaded DeadAIM and it's better than AIM+. It also works with AIM 5.1.

I encourage everyone to stop supporting the deceitful, whimpering developers at big-o-software and download DeadAIM today!!
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