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Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 10:32 pm
by Timelessblur
I HATE DEAD AIM. It mess up my computer. end up spending 20 min on each of my computer after I installed DEADaim to fix everything it did.

One uses XP one is ME. it messed up both of them

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2003 11:52 pm
by iamvoyager
aclauser wrote:How long did we actually "officaly" wait? Waiting for a new version and waiting for something the say will come out is two diffrent things. We all knew a new version of Windows would come out after Win95 but did how long did it take for them to make it offical... oh and how long did we have to wait after it was offical?

we waited since they said they were working on the new version, which was about right after aim 5 came out

knowing that a new version will come out eventually is something completely different. was there a major problem with windows 95? no. was there a major problem with aim+? yes; it was incompatable with aim. if windows 95 was incompatable with most computers ppl would be **waiting** for a new version that will work properly. big-o did say they were working on it, therefore it was confirmed

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 5:47 am
by Anthony
Whoa! Was there a major problem with Windows 95? Why dont you figure out the answer before you ask the question because I am postive you have no clue what your talking about.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 9:16 am
by harra

To answer a previously asked question, the reason I'm not upgrading to AIM 5.x is because it has a bunch of features I don't need. I just need two things:
  1. The ability to chat to my friends/family/co-workers
  2. The ability to keep a log of the conversations (they are amazingly helpfuly when documenting business convos
Like you inferred, I just don't want to have to turn off a bunch of features. I probably won't upgrade until 4.x no longer is able to communicate with those on the current AIM platform.


Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 9:33 am
by harra
To respond to the argument mentioned about how a new OS isn't developed to fix compatibility issues with people's computers.....
iamvoyager wrote: if windows 95 was incompatable with most computers ppl would be **waiting** for a new version that will work properly.
[Ray's Opinion]
With the exception of maybe MS-DOS, Microsoft has mostly released OS products that were knowingly flawed. In fact many software companies would rather meet a release deadline with a faulty product than announce a date slip in order to release a "clean" product. It's the nature of the beast. Since the product is flawed, it could be argued that the product is incompatible with the platform upon which it runs because the product "breaks" on that platform. Then you have to wait for a new release (whether for money or for free) to hopefully make it more compatible with their platform (aka computer).
[/Ray's Opinion]

But all this bantering back and forth isn't going to change anyones opinions. I interpret iamvoyager's statements to be saying that since Big-O software stated that a release would be occuring on Dec 11, 2002 (which I feel he interprets as a "promise" on their part) then Big-O software should deliver a release product on or near the "promised" date. The fact that the product is developed for free doesn't weigh in on his argument. Since a release never occured he feels that the Big-O reneged on their deal and left everyone holding the bag (a product that sort of works with the current AIM platform). In his eyes, it makes the Big-O company "undependable". Possibly, as a user of the AIM+ product, iamvoyager feels burned for putting stock and hype into a product that ended up "dead" (from a development cycle stand-point).

He has the right to his opinions and I feel we've done our best to try and convince him otherwise, but it may be best to "agree to disagree".


P.S. iamvoyager, if I misrepresented your thoughts, I appologize. That is how I interpreted your statements and thought maybe a restatement was in order


Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 9:37 am
by Master Jedi
harra wrote:I probably won't upgrade until 4.x no longer is able to communicate with those on the current AIM platform.
I don't know that you'll ever have to upgrade. AIM version 1 will still log into the AIM servers and function as it should.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 9:40 am
by harra
idejsecrofkrad wrote:I don't know that you'll ever have to upgrade. AIM version 1 will still log into the AIM servers and function as it should.
There you go. As long as there are sites like where I can keep getting my AIM 4.x when I rebuild my PC, then I won't have to upgrade and keep using AIM+ (the user-friendly


Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 10:45 am
by iamvoyager
windows 95 did work for the most part correctly

i am not saying they are undependable b/c it wasnt released when schedualed, but isnt going to be at all

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2003 10:55 am
by harra
iamvoyager wrote: am not saying they are undependable b/c it wasnt released when schedualed, but isnt going to be at all
Sorry, I thought that it was understood that was what I meant when I said
harra wrote: Since a release never occured he feels that the Big-O reneged on their deal and left everyone holding the bag (a product that sort of works with the current AIM platform). In his eyes, it makes the Big-O company "undependable".
Doesn't matter any way. Like I said before. Maybe we need to agree to disagree on this point of argument.


deadaim is way too slow

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:27 pm
by spks3707
:o I hate DeadAIM, it's way way TOO SLOOOOOOOW. yea it does have the same features as aim+, but it basically compromises your system. I have a 475MHz that worked well with AIM+ w/312MB RAM. but now with them gone for now at least, i cant do nething.

Re: deadaim is way too slow

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:23 pm
by punkster103
spks3707 wrote::o I hate DeadAIM, it's way way TOO SLOOOOOOOW. yea it does have the same features as aim+, but it basically compromises your system. I have a 475MHz that worked well with AIM+ w/312MB RAM. but now with them gone for now at least, i cant do nething.
Funny, it ran fine on my computer 450MHz p3 with 64MB RAM... :roll:

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:28 pm
by Robpol86
runs fine on my computer

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 7:30 pm
by Timelessblur
Does not run fine on me (didnt this thread die a while ago 2)

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:48 am
by xtool
:roll: - I tried 'DeadAim' and didn't like it.
Yes, it has many features BUT for some reason, if i leave my aim on too long, my screen gets frozen.

:D - AIM+ is an awesome AIM's addon, stable and also FREE!
I am AIM+ fan and supporter and has been since day one. I will continue being on of Mark&Ryan(AIM+) fan for years to come.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:05 am
by Timelessblur
xtool wrote::roll: - I tried 'DeadAim' and didn't like it.
Yes, it has many features BUT for some reason, if i leave my aim on too long, my screen gets frozen.

:D - AIM+ is an awesome AIM's addon, stable and also FREE!
I am AIM+ fan and supporter and has been since day one. I will continue being on of Mark&Ryan(AIM+) fan for years to come.
Aonther person has seen the light. To bad he had to learn the hard way but then again many of us had to learn that hard way (me included).