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Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 5:10 pm
by Robpol86
x Wasted Mind x wrote:
Robpol86 wrote:i smell GAIM
What's that suppose to mean?

I use GAIM ...
lol, i meant GAIN or, is it GAIM? i dunno, that Gator spyware thing

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 5:11 pm
by Anthony

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 2:06 pm
by gnosis
sorry to drudge this up, but new here.

I think nuh is a productive member of this community, only because he brought all the idiots to the surface. including...

Hi walker, I am jesus christ. Are you saved?
obviously i AM jesus christ cause I asked if you are saved! omg omg and plus i SAID i was jesus christ!!! wowowowowowow!!!!1!!

Tries to play the high and mighty card at the end, when on what, page FOUR, True came around telling everyone that it was fake and to ignore him. DADINK demands further proof that he's NOT an admin (perhaps to accompany the lack of proof that he IS an admin). Then a few pages later, he's belittling people for continuing the thread, prob to distract them from realizing that he was suckered. He's the exact type of psuedo-intellectual who will use his age or phrases like "am I the only one..." to try and build up this rational persona, when really he's not even a very good sophist. Proof positive, an opposing view is presented. Threatened, DADINK automatically responds with something along the lines of "well maybe I should lock the thread", an obvious appeal to authority. Useful when one's own argument is lacking. (note: this type is also fond of using :roll: when no one else in the thread is :roll: .)

too many things to cite them all. All i can remember is that obnoxious south park avatar. remember your forum ettiquette 101. your signature should never be bigger than the average size of your posts.

Man, and all this is just from ONE page. suppose it's right what they say about the AIM folk. whatever happened to the good old days on efnet? :(

The winners

The indifferent

everyone else, lackluster performance. Shape up and perhaps you'll fare better next time.[/b]

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 10:24 pm
gnosis wrote:DADINK13
Tries to play the high and mighty card at the end, when on what, page FOUR, True came around telling everyone that it was fake and to ignore him. DADINK demands further proof that he's NOT an admin (perhaps to accompany the lack of proof that he IS an admin). Then a few pages later, he's belittling people for continuing the thread, prob to distract them from realizing that he was suckered. He's the exact type of psuedo-intellectual who will use his age or phrases like "am I the only one..." to try and build up this rational persona, when really he's not even a very good sophist. Proof positive, an opposing view is presented. Threatened, DADINK automatically responds with something along the lines of "well maybe I should lock the thread", an obvious appeal to authority. Useful when one's own argument is lacking. (note: this type is also fond of using :roll: when no one else in the thread is :roll: .)
Dude, if you're trying to piss me off, you're doing a good job of it. Since you're nothing more than a pathetic newbie, you don't know that I'm that guy nobody wants to have pissed at them.

For somebody who "appears" to be somewhat intelligent, you didn't say one word of new material. Apparently, all you appear to know how to do is a wonderful device that's known by bulemics around the world: regurgitation. You just eat whatever other people have said, then throw it right back up in a noncoherent manner. It's called Dumbass Syndrome. Only dumbasses do that because they're too fuckin' stupid to know any better, so they just bring topics back to life only because they think they'd get some sort of "high" from it.

Guess what retard. You get nothing except one pissed moderator at you. If you have any sort of balls, I DARE you to address your problems to me in person. Dumbass.

Or are you too pussy to do that?

Maybe if you'd stop jerking off so much you'd have enough bloodflow to your brain to be able to think coherently for about four seconds.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2003 11:12 pm
by Axilla
I'd address my problems with you in person :D

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 5:51 am
by Robpol86
gnosis wrote:Robpol86
too many things to cite them all. All i can remember is that obnoxious south park avatar. remember your forum ettiquette 101. your signature should never be bigger than the average size of your posts.
uhhh??? ok... and, i know of no such "forum ettiquette" and if its a joke or something, no.

my signature is under 255 characters, sure i somehow shrink the character size and keep the same outcome, but thats wat i do, BAC OFF. and, go ahead, cite something, I DARE U