Screw 5.0....Can you guys put its key features in Aim+

Request features that you'd like to see in future versions of AIM+.

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Screw 5.0....Can you guys put its key features in Aim+

Post by SuperJoe »

I mean seriously.....Half of the chat window is taken up by a huge pic of a rose or something, and it just sits there. So instead, i suggest taking its key features such as seeing when a buddy is typing and "nicknaming" buddies (to keep track of everyones name), be worked into the new version of Aim+. When is that coming out anyways?

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Post by Plasma2002b »

hmm... this would be a lot of work for the Big-O guys, but it IS possible....
Yall would have to make another AIM client basically tho. Make it look and feel like AIM 4.8, yet on the inside it would be 5.... that way you could supress the BS and do like that guy said and use the good stuff.....

thats a lil too much tho, lol, making your own client is probably more than you guys had planned

its teh infamous life of brian gaut to teh max0r!

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