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by RitiFamily
Sun Apr 25, 2010 3:40 pm
Forum: hkSFV Bug Reports
Topic: CRASHes EVERYtime under Win7
Replies: 2
Views: 30632

Re: CRASHes EVERYtime under Win7

Condor06 wrote:Use this program (ilSFV):
like alternative to hkSFV! Working great...

Thanks!! I am testing it out now, but everything looks great! Thanks for the reply!
by RitiFamily
Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:22 am
Forum: hkSFV Bug Reports
Topic: CRASHes EVERYtime under Win7
Replies: 2
Views: 30632

CRASHes EVERYtime under Win7

Hey, I can run your hkSFV software under Windows7 Ultimate, however, whenever I try to verify a .sfv file your program starts to run and appears fine until it gets a few files in then it crashes and Windows reports the following error message/information: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCR...