The Future of Big-O Software and AIM+

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Post by AzIaNxInFeRnO »

hey i'm new to the forum, but i jsus wanted to point out sumthing i found interesting. did neone find it odd that the site crashed on 12/11...

and also, i dont mean to b insensitive or anything, but when u say severely, the only thing that could b severe enough is either 1) sum1 attacked u (physically, which i highly doubt, because i dont think neone is sad enough to attack sum1 because of a program) and 2) aol is threatening to sue you (which i also highly doubt, because as everyone has said nothing is happening to the other programs).

just somehting to let you all think about. and i hope noen of you think i am being insensitive, as i was anticipating the new release as well, i just thot it was odd how all this is happening..
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i love you

Post by gus »

just wanted to say i love big- o and everyone complaining out there should stop asking them to tell you why the cancelled the release... i mean, if they were gonna tell you, they would have already... hehe or maybe you can just threaten them with a lawsuit... :D but seriously, they're not even responding to many of your requests to explain their decision, so it looks like you might as well give it up...

but if you guys are even considering releasing AIM + 3.0 in the future, thats great... oh, and i know youve already been offered pizza, women, and drinks... but how would you feel about a man? :wink: hey, if itll help you decide faster.... sometimes sacrifices have to be made.... :wink: :wink:
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Post by nfelton »

Here is the officaly AIM Big-O Chatroom.




<a href="aim:gochat?roomname=big%2Bo%2Bchat"><img src="" width="103" height="45" border="0"></a>
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Post by asmily1 »

Mark, if you read this, can't you just give us a little bit more information. Granted, if it's Ryan's decision, then that's cool too, but things just seem to "left in the dark" as they are now. You say something big, bad, and awful happened that makes the decision very easy to make. I have trouble understanding (I am a CS major myself so I'm trying to see your point of view) what could make not releasing someone's hard work, effort and beauty (yes, in my mind, writing programs are beauty), not worth releasing.

Can you even just say "it's a legal decision" if that's the case? That doesn't say too much, but it also clears up all the issues. There are so many people speculating as to what happened that it's becoming quite discusting.

And i do hate all the people who think that it's cuz you "didn't finish writing it." Which, whether or not the case, people need to stop saying.

Just my two sense
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Post by barieuph »

seems to me that they got lazy
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Post by Timelessblur »

You know I just finish reading all the post and I have one thing to say about it. it was sicking reading all that shit. I agree AIM+ is a great program. I also not happy that it was not able to get it but so what Mark and Ryan on doing this on there free time. None of really have that much free time. I think you should stop you complaining of Big-o they were being cool and going though with all of this trouble for us. To me I doute it was coming from Aol because they would of shut them down a long time ago if it was them. It proble some people who think AIM+ is just a bunch of spyware to get infomation on us. Hell we all seen the program and all the infomation they were gathering was what version of AIM+ we were using and maybe how much we were using AIM+. Most complains do more to find out stuff bout us. I think you all should just stop you bitchen and be happy for how much Mark and Ryan have done for us. Also if they said it was easy for them the cancel the realse date that means some people had to be doing some pretty mean shit 2 them
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Post by Timelessblur »

You know I just finish reading all the post and I have one thing to say about it. it was sicking reading all that shit. I agree AIM+ is a great program. I also not happy that it was not able to get it but so what Mark and Ryan on doing this on there free time. None of really have that much free time. I think you should stop you complaining of Big-o they were being cool and going though with all of this trouble for us. To me I doute it was coming from Aol because they would of shut them down a long time ago if it was them. It proble some people who think AIM+ is just a bunch of spyware to get infomation on us. Hell we all seen the program and all the infomation they were gathering was what version of AIM+ we were using and maybe how much we were using AIM+. Most complains do more to find out stuff bout us. I think you all should just stop you bitchen and be happy for how much Mark and Ryan have done for us. Also if they said it was easy for them the cancel the realse date that means some people had to be doing some pretty mean shit 2 them
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Open Source

Post by cbarnes913 »

Mark and Ryan:

I know this has been mentioned a few times, but I haven't seen a response from you guys, so I will ask again (hoping that I am not being pushy).

If you should decide to stop the development of AIM+ by yourselves, would you consider moving it to sourceforge and continue your project through an open source development? I am sure there are many people that would like to contribute to the project.

Also, I'd like to join everyone else in saying that I am very sorry to hear the news about the harassment. It is very unfortunate that people cannot be mature enough to just enjoy this excellent piece of software. Thanks for your time guys.
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Post by Big-O's [banned] »

I can't believe ANYONE is eating this load of crap... sure, I can understand deadlines due to working... but think about it, AIM5 came out in June or July, so it's been 5 or 6 months since it came out. There is **no** way that figuring out the new features of AIM5 could take that long, adding some features may have taken a month maybe a couple months if they were busy, but at least a straight up port from AIM4 to AIM5 should have been available much sooner.

As for the complaint about people sending hatemail? GET USED TO IT! If this was such an issue why wasn't it spoken of earlier? Every single person who makes software gets hatemail, yeah, it sucks, but that's how it is. It just seems sooooo convenient that after they missed the self-imposed deadline, and the website was "mysteriously" (ie. on purpose) down for a couple days, that oh! gosh! we aren't going to release it...

And that's a complete cop out...
Last edited by Big-O's [banned] on Sun Dec 15, 2002 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by earthdogg911 »

So what, you got hacked and you personal info was posted on the internet. Did you just cry and say "Well fine! I'm not gonna released AIM+ 3.0! That'll show them!" You guys really messed up this time. And when you're out in the real world, be sure to NOT mention that you easily give up on projects and leave tasks unfinished. It doesn't look good on a resume.
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Aim+ 3 woulda been sweet

Post by HellSkater124 »

Hey guys i know you have gotten hundreds of replies and one more wont do anything but im just saying aim+ 3 woulda been pretty sweet everyone thought so. i hope you guys get through this and decide to just put aim+ 3 out for everyone so we can all be happy.
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Post by SkatePhilly »

Wow I leave my computer for 2 hours and were already to 11 pages! All I really want is a little more info . . . If i could get some that would great!!!!
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Post by earthdogg911 »

oh and one more thing. I really don't think hackers got your info and posted it on the net. Hell I just did a WHOIS on the domain and got Ryan's address
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Post by Big-O's [banned] »

Two more things...

First, I HIGHLY doubt any "gen x'ers" had anything to do with this... you see generation x is all in their early and mid 30's right now. Generation Y is the generation I'm in (which I think is like 22-late 20's). There isn't a generation name for the young (moron) kids on the internet.

Secondly, was any more information than what is available on a whois posted to the net? Whois information is PUBLIC information and if that is what was posted, then Big-O-Software is a) totally ignorant to what information they AGREED to have put on public record and b) even bigger babies than they are for not releasing the software.

To do a whois go to and type in any website.
Last edited by Big-O's [banned] on Sun Dec 15, 2002 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by deafmute »

You guys are all acting like you paid for this.

I think there's something fishy about this whole thing, but who cares? They had a FREE product that they didn't release; nothing lost, nothing gained. Big deal.
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