Full Featured Import / Export & Synchronized Preferences

Request features that you'd like to see in future versions of AIM+.

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Full Featured Import / Export & Synchronized Preferences

Post by Cards »

I'd really like it if there were an option to syncronize the preferences for all clones and screen names, so you don't have to manually set them. I've done the obvious thing of just saving my buddy list with all preferences and then loading it in the new screen name, but there's a few small things that still don't get set. Also, it's really tedious trying to remember to update the buddy lists for all screen names each time you add or delete a buddy. Whether the option were a button to click, or if it worked continuously, it would be really helpful. Thanks :)
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Big-O Mark
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Post by Big-O Mark »

This is a great idea, I've been thinking about this one for awhile. It's always bothered me that AIM lets you export/import some preferences/settings, but not the others. I would like to exactly duplicate 100% of my settings on all of my screennames, but the built in "Save Buddy List" feature will only copy so much.

It would definitely be a great feature to either improve the import/export functionality of AIM, or to add an entirely new option to automatically keep all the preferences synchronized.
Big-O Software

Sych on Demand?

Post by aurora »

Synching would be a very cool feature to have... but I currently have different buddy lists for different screen names etc... so perhaps it could just be an option to synch with a specified clone, not default.

Post by cneo »

Features I think that should be importables. You did address the ability to sync all clones, but I think this would also be a way of solving the problem. AIM's import/export feature only supports the buddy list

Possible import/exports:

Away Messages
Idle Message
Buddy Icon
Font setting for windows and buddy list itself
directory for file transfer/sharing
Sounds (there are many different sound setting for buddy list, sign on off, talk, etc it would be nice if these could be saved so upon reinstallation or cloning you wouldnt have to uncheck "play a sound when receiving a message" everytime. I dont know why anyone would have any sound other than the "play a sound when first message received"

Also, thanks for the ongoing good work
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Post by iamvoyager »

this would be awsome
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Post by Gabe »

It would be great to have the preferences toggle-able, so i could have my buddy list and im preferences synched, but not necessarily my profile.
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Post by EvilJolly »

I knew I had seen this topic somewhere, but I guess it didn't click when I was scanning over the topics so I had created another post. To add onto this, it would be nice to be able to import away messages from a text file. I have a huge list of quotes and I've always wanted to be able to stick those up without entering them all in the registry. Maybe the way that the files would be created would be something like this....

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AllowUserSeeIdle 0

:Buddy list:
ShowIdleTime 20

You get the idea though, this way if someone wanted to import away messages all they have to do is add :Awaylist: to the top of the file. And of course we would need an option like AIM has to overwrite or merge with current settings.
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Post by Big-O Ryan »

OK, interesting..

BTW, I don't blame you for not finding this thread, it took me a while -- scanned the list by eye first, searched.. searched again.. and finally found it. :)
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Definately agree with CNEO

Post by skim32 »

It's a great idea to allow exporting and importing of AWAY MSG, PROFILES and Just about every preference under aim. It would be so useful.

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