Terminator is running

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Terminator is running

Post by DADINK13 »

If you saw Leno last night, you saw that Arnold Schwartzenegger is running for California Governor.

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Post by harra »

Hey, Reagan was and still is considered to be one of the best Republican governors California has ever seen and he was a movie actor. So who knows what potential Arnold has. The man is definitely connected in the Republican party
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Post by Anthony »

IMO this is hyped way too much.

First of all if a pro wrestler can run... and win... why can't a actor do the same?

Second of all forget the fact that he is a actor... Would he be good for the job (I don't know.. I don't vote in Cali...).

On hype alone he will win...
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Post by harra »

PhaseDMA wrote:On hype alone he will win
I read an article that name recognition will most likely be the determinant on who will be the next governor of California. Ever since Arnold was appointed to the Presidents Commision on Physical Fitness I felt that Arnold would run one day.

The problem is no matter how skilled a politician you are, if you win this election you are walking into a GIANT mess
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Post by ashtray »

um, yeah. reagan was an idiot. arnold is an idiot. a decent actor (if extremely limited), but still an idiot.
another note, gary coleman has also declared his candidacy.
the moral of the story? any asshole can run for any elected position. in fact, all you need to run for the governor of california is $3500 and 60 signatures. rich actors are greedy actors, and the greedy want power. if you vote for a fool solely on name recognition, you are a fool. one of the main reasons that clinton was elected was because of fools. statistics showed that middle-aged house wives made up a large percentage of the electorate that voted for him. the reason? clinton was a relatively handsome man (at least compared to the impotent bob dole). he appeared on day time talk shows during his campaign, trash shuch as rosie o'donnel and the such, brought out his sax, was extremely well spoken, and became for those women what they wished their husbands were. the amount of under-educated voters is astounding, and i think its a disgrace that people think that arnold could be a good governor.
if arnold of gary coleman are elected, i will be passing around a petition to have california removed from the union.
please stop. now.
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Post by harra »

THe problem with our country is that we don't come out with guns and force our registered voters to vote. They say that even in the best turnouts (which were the elections when Clinton was running) we couldn't even break the 40% mark for voter turnout (that is a national average). From the article's I'm reading, the voter turn-out in California is terrible in relation to the National averages.

Also, the last time I checked my history books, the elections in this country have typically been dominated by the rich and greedy (for money and power). There will never be a time when the average Joe ends up running a major political office. Just won't happen. Get used to it.

Also it has been stated that once Kennedy debated Nixon on television the face of politics changed forever. From that point on, the issues took a back seat to the "image". Now it matters how you look, dress, talk, etc.

Also, most of those celebrities that are running for Governor in California are simply doing it for novelty sake or are making a statement on how absurd they think the whole election is.

I'm sorry, but I think Larry Flynt winning the election is far scarier than Gary Coleman.

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Post by Anthony »

I think the "attack" of Arnold is out of place. Are you really attacking him because he can't do the job, or are you attacking him because he is a actor? Look at Jesse... He won the election despite what some people thought of him, and as far as I know he actually did a decent job in office...

What is to say Arnold can't do the same decent job that Jesse did, after all they are being attacked for the same basic reason. Wouldn't you rather have a guy that can do a decent job and is a actor that a guy that won't do a single good thing and has a political back ground (note as I said before I don't know anything about this race so...).
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Post by fuuucckkers »

I was watching the evening news...and almost every news reporter in the freakin country is doing background checks.. asking friends / family and such .. just to find out bad things he's done in the past.. which are of no concern to his present career.

Things like what clinton did when he was young that also came into debate.
"Yes I did smoke it, but I did not inhale" -- things like that.. are what makes are country so retarded. They try to discrace him by his past.. its rediculous.

But yeah.. that's all I have to say. And I don't like polotics.. although I am a registered voter, and will vote at all upcoming elections..
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Post by harra »

Yes, I'm waiting to hear them make a big stink about his steriod use. He admits to using them but quit when they became illegal.

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