AIM account, then AOL account

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Logan 5
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AIM account, then AOL account

Post by Logan 5 »

What happens if I have an AIM only account say... MrSmith1234 and someone trys to sign up on AOL with MrSmith1234 ?

A friend of mine signed up and used her AIM account ad her AOL account name and it seemed to let her, though we weren't sure if someone could effectively 'steal' someone that way...
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Post by killcrap »

i dont think u can steal a persons sn with a new aol sn. i will usually say the sn is taken. but u can make ur aim sn to an aol account by using the same password. btw, u can have different passwords for aol and aim accounts for the same sn
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Post by elitemrp »

i hate subjects... anyway

You can create an AOL account from an AIM name only if you have the AIM accounts password. so dont give anyone your password.

Also, there is an exploit using AOLs web based sign up feature that allows people to steal AIM accounts when creating an AOL account. Its not too common anymore, as they keep fixing the exploit but people keep finding new ones. Back when I had AOL (before jan 2000) was when they first found the exploit, lots of people were getting their aim accounts stolen.
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