logging of users that view your profile

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logging of users that view your profile

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logging of users that view your profile
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Post by iSteve530 »

oh yes this would be nice, but I doubt this is possible, i am quite sure that profiles are stored on the server. However, you can use one of this sites such as subprofile.com, but that requires the user click a link. In the beginning it worked, now people know that by clicking a link they could be tracked.

While were at it, I would love to know who has me on their buddy list. Of course, this is something AOL will have to add into their software.
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Post by Big-O Ryan »

I'd love to know who has me on their lists, as well. But it's quite likely that this won't happen, none of the other IM prorams (to my knowledge) do this either, although ICQ gives you a good idea if you choose 'require authorization' (but there are simple ways around authorization, too). So, we'll probably never know, just like we don't know who's got our e-mail address in their address books (of course, contact lists are on servers, so it is more feasible, and maybe IM programs just haven't caught on to this idea yet).
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Post by Soccer55 »

In the beginning it worked, now people know that by clicking a link they could be tracked.
There is a way to view the subprofile without being tracked now. It involves copying the URL into the browser and modifying the variables so that the script either doesn't receive a screenname or it receives whatever you change the variable to. I forgot how to do it off the top of my head, but I know it's doable.

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Post by iSteve530 »

Copy Hyperlink to Clipboard, then open up the browser and paste the url. look for your screename in the URL, and change it to whatever you feel like. People will begin to feel more popular then they may actually be. [/list]


Post by Trill »

When someone views your profile, doesn't Aim request the info.htm file that's stored on your computer? If it does, wouldn't it be possible to do something whenever the info.htm file is accessed?
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Post by iSteve530 »

as far as I know, AIM uploads the info.htm file to their server when you start AIM. If you update your profile, it updates both your local version and the server version. A simple test is to modify your info.htm while AIM is running and see if your profile changes. It does not.

Post by Mclarke »

you are right, a copy is kept on the server when you sign on...
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Post by timrosenfeld »

Profiles aren't stored on the AOL servers, they're stored locally on your computer, but you can make a link in the profile that goes to a page located somewhere else. That's how I have my profile working (well, not right now)... and I've got some PHP code that does the logging of all my visitors. I'd like to have a feature to see who's buddy list you're on. That would be cool, but I know it's not very possible for AIM+, but maybe AOL to implement. I think they should have a forum or some type of way to discuss what people want from AIM just like AIM+ has, but then again... maybe we wouldn't have AIM+ if they did.
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Post by irishfreakout »

Remember when hoping for things to be implemented by all of AIM that AIM is run by AOL... enough said.

This is why we need things like AIM+... people who actually listen and provide what people actually want.
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Post by skim32 »

Don't know if this will help, but try http://www.imchaos.com. They have ways of logging.
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i want it

Post by summercom »

please give me that php code
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My own

Post by Thyme »

I wrote my own subprofile-like php script with a mysql backend. You can check it out in my profile (sn: AllThymeBestPun). It calls to 3 different databases. One stores jokes I've come up with and have put in my profile. One stores "info" which is largely misc, and the other stores my friends' screen names, real names and votes, so when they click the link it says "Hello *real name*" instead of the screen name like %n does. It then also writes to a log file the SN, date, and IP. That part is easy and I'll post that. Don't forget to chmod your log file.

//put ?n=%n in the link so that $n==the screen name.

$fp = fopen ("logsn.php", "r");
while (!feof ($fp)) {
$o3buffer = $o2buffer;
$o2buffer = $obuffer;
$obuffer = $buffer;
$buffer = fgets($fp, 4096);
//That starts checking the last 3 lines so it doesn't keep writing the same user in. That doesn't really matter if you only have one page though.

fclose ($fp);

if (substr($obuffer, 0, strlen($n))!==$n AND substr($o2buffer,0, strlen($n))!==$n AND substr($o3buffer,0, strlen($n))!==$n AND substr($obuffer, 1, strlen($n))!==$n AND $n!="*yourscreennamehere*") { //That will only make it write if it isn't there the last 3 lines and isn't you checking up on it (or in my case, inflating the votes :D)

$fp = fopen ("logsn.php", "a");

if (!$myrow[2]){
$fp2 = fputs($fp, "*");
//You can delete that. It just adds an astrisk when they're not in my sn/rean name database.

$fp2 = fputs($fp, $n); //Name
$fp2 = fputs($fp, ", ");
$fp2 = fputs($fp, $ra); //Remote Address... you should use $REMOTE_ADDR, but you might have to global it if you're within a function
$fp2 = fputs($fp, ", ");
$fp2 = fputs($fp, date("y/m/d, H:i:s"));
$fp2 = fputs($fp, "<br>"); //For HTML viewing
$fp2 = fputs($fp, "\n"); //For text viewing and so it checks previous lines correctly

You'll have to edit it to get it right for your own server and needs.
I hope this helps someone.

Oh, and one more thing. It won't work right if there are spaces in the screen name. That's because AIM doesn't pass the escape characters like it does if they do it in a new window.
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Post by summercom »

i got it work, thanks

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