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Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:15 pm
Walker wrote:NO! That isnt it! it has already been suggested and is wrong. He REMOVES His s/n from the buddy list COMPLETLEY. As If It were never there.
Well im sorry that i made an innocent guess, i didnt realize at the time that it would make you go into a fit.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 1:17 pm
by Walker
I didnt go into a fit. I was just stating the obvious, very loudly. :lol: Nuh Hasn't been on AIM Yet today, i wonder where he is? :roll:

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 3:11 pm
by True
Robpol86 wrote:he IS an admin, but now i know hes not using his admin powers, i guess u win his "contest"!!
No, he isn't an administrator. He's merely a little kid who use to suspend people using a method of spamming internals and now tries to make you think he's an administrator by using openly available tricks. Please, STOP REFERING TO THE MORON AS AN ADMIN. HE'S NOTHING MORE THAN A FOOL.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 3:14 pm
by Walker
HE IS ADMIN! When I IMed him for the first time he said, "What is your employe ID?" Only an admin would say that! :evil:

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 3:19 pm
True wrote:No, he isn't an administrator. He's merely a little kid who use to suspend people using a method of spamming internals and now tries to make you think he's an administrator by using openly available tricks.
And you know this how..? Please, let us in on how you know this, all mightly knower-of-things-us-lesser-people-know.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 3:22 pm
by True
I know this because I know him. He's not an administrator. If he was, why would he hold a "contest" using an out-dated Test Buddy client? You kids are fools. "Only an administrator would ask for my employee ID!!!" Or maybe he knows you'd think that and WANTS you to think he's an administrator. Add him to your buddy list. Look at his tooltip. Does it say "Administrator"? NO. So snap back to reality, kids, and stop believing idiots who claim to be administrators.

Re: Nuh is a moron.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 3:34 pm
by Jon8RFC
True wrote:Listen, kids: Nuh does nothing more than uses Cool Components (TestBuddy), which was a beta AIM/AOL/ICQ client that was leaked last year. One of the options is to remove yourself from a user's "feedbag" (buddy list). Nuh is not an administrator, he's nothing more than an attention whore whose only life goal is trying to make the people who don't know think he's smart. Sorry to burst your bubbles. Look on google for "Cool Components" or "Test Buddy" and you should find a link to download it. If not, message me and I'll post a link. From now on, though, don't trust idiots. Thank you.

Chris S.
Wow, I have to say I have not been caught off guard this oddly in quite a while. Not to be rude at ALL, but some random person, you, wanders on the Big-O forum and posts the solution so abruptly. I'm in awe lol. Thanks for posting the program, it's pretty cool. Well, believe him or not, you DID post the solution and you should contact him for your prize. Even though this is how he's doing it, I still do believe him to be an admin, so go get your prize because it's a pretty cool one in my opinion :D

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 3:35 pm
True wrote:You kids are fools. So snap back to reality, kids, and stop believing idiots who claim to be administrators.
First off, stop calling me a "kid." Most people my age don't like being called a kid.
True wrote:I know this because I know him.
Personally? Are you his friend or something? Do you see him face-to-face, or do you just talk to him online: aka an "online friend."
True wrote:If he was, why would he hold a "contest" using an out-dated Test Buddy client?
Who knows? I don't, and I'm sure you don't either. Maybe he's bored and feels like playing around to amuse others.
True wrote:Add him to your buddy list. Look at his tooltip. Does it say "Administrator"? NO.
Do any other admins show up like that? I personally wouldn't know because I don't care to talk to Admins. They're busy people with jobs..I'm a busy person with a job. Leave them be.

I want facts. Solid proof to back up what you're saying. Show me that, then maybe you'll earn my respect. :roll:

...maybe this should just get locked and that link removed.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 3:37 pm
by True
Apparently, you're not understanding me. He isn't an admin. He has a history in the rooms the script kiddies frequent as being a liar. Anything he has, I have one step better. Period. I'm being arrogant now because you kids refuse to believe that he isn't what he has brainwashed you to believe him to be.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 3:40 pm
by True
You want facts? Where are the facts he IS an admin? And yes, others do show up as "Administrator", right next next to Service. You're not believing me because I'm being so blunt about it, but you need to open your eyes. Yes, lock the thread and remove the link. That will solve EVERYTHING, right?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 4:47 pm
by zerooffline
True, I don't see why you fight with them. Its people like that, that eventually end up getting sub7'ed or some other lamer trojan because of their gullibility. As long as they believe something, you telling them they're wrong won't solve it, lol, its like thinking you're in love. Let them love Nuh, Nuh is awesome :D

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 5:09 pm
by ashtray
wow. cool tools is the shit.
why hasnt this come out a long time ago?
are there any know limitations, true?
thanks man.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 6:37 pm
by Jon8RFC
Actually, it's been out for a while apparently...we just haven't known about it. Check the "help>about"'s been around since August of 2002.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 7:29 pm
by Walker
The Prize is a CUSTOM S/n. Any S/n You Want. How do you explain that?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2003 7:32 pm
by zerooffline
Ok, well its been figured out. Did anyone get a custome screen name out of it?