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Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 5:15 pm
J3utton wrote:ITS CALLED CAPITALISM!!!!!!
Temper, temper now. You wouldn't wanna set a bad example for the people that visit your forums now, wouldja? :wink:
J3utton wrote:Sometimes I wish all you commy assholes and quazi-socialist faggots would just move to North Korea or China... Im sure youll all be happy there....
Just because somebody doesn't like how Capatalist America works doesn't automatically make them a Communist of Socialist ya know.
J3utton wrote:I apologize, Im sorry for calling anyone names. Sometimes I get a little excited and angry.
.... :roll:

J3utton wrote:And Dadink, Were not talking about freaking children here... were talking about COMPUTER CODE.... please stop using anologies that dont make any sence to try and prove your point.
That's because you're not seeing the big picture. Try not being so narrow-minded and think of other things. You're coming off like nothing more than a big whiner.

And by saying what you've been saying, all it does is further prove that you're a sell-out. Face the music.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 5:44 pm
by Jon8RFC
*changes thread back to topic*

Anybody have any clue when AIM6 will reach the beta stage? And will plain jane users, like myself, be able to take a crack at it? I sure hope so, or I would at least like to sign up somewhere to check it out and hopefully spot bugs before they go Final. It's too bad that they've stopped thousands and thousands of users from trying out the beta before it goes final :(, I guess they just use a few hundred in-house alpha testers then go to final?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 6:21 pm
by Axilla
Hey I'm up for a challenge, lets hear what Timelessblur has to say so I can try to decode it.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 6:21 pm
by Anthony
J3utton - Computer code can be very importent to the person that created it. It's their own personal work. With lots of people... The code can suck and the person that made it could consider it very importent anyways... Now take odvious code that does not suck and it has become at least 10x more importent to the programer.

This can easily make the person not want to give their code away, even for a price they know is well over what the true "vaule" is.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 7:21 pm
by J3utton
Phaze - Thats probably the most intelligent thing Ive heard somebody say around here in awhile. I do understand that it can be important to the programmer. I myself take a lot of pride in my coding. However, when your occupation is computer programming I cant possibly see how selling your code to someone is selling out? Its merely doing business.

Dadink - The WHOLE idea behind america is freedom and capitalism. Seriously, if you don't like how it works, move someplace else. And yes, if somebody dosen't like capitalism it DOES make them a commy or a socialist.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 8:14 pm
by Timelessblur
Axilla wrote:Hey I'm up for a challenge, lets hear what Timelessblur has to say so I can try to decode it.
Axilla I am getting sick of you crap. Either post valaid post or just leave. The only reason I am not PM is I want to make it clear to everyone I am

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 8:17 pm
by Timelessblur
J3utton wrote:Dadink - The WHOLE idea behind america is freedom and capitalism. Seriously, if you don't like how it works, move someplace else. And yes, if somebody dosen't like capitalism it DOES make them a commy or a socialist.
I going to disagree with you on this. Big bussiness is killing the american dream. Now it is next to impossible to open up a small bunisses with out one of the gaint corpation killing you off. ANd now evern the super corps are killing off smaller corps. Lastly there are differnt types of capitalisms. Not liking the american system does not make you a commy or a socialist. Hell I bet you dont really know the diffences bettween the 2. I know I can explain it to you if you want

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 8:43 pm
by shock
mmhhmmm, with what the aol programmers can do, i dont think adding trancparency, logging and all that other stuff would be all that hard for them, so why get some person they really dont need.....pointless, stupid.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 9:07 pm
by Axilla
Timelessblur wrote:Not liking the american system does not make you a commy or a socialist. Hell I bet you dont really know the diffences bettween the 2. I know I can explain it to you if you want
Hah, explain it please. I would love to hear this.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 10:08 pm
by Timelessblur
Axilla wrote:
Timelessblur wrote:Not liking the american system does not make you a commy or a socialist. Hell I bet you dont really know the diffences bettween the 2. I know I can explain it to you if you want
Hah, explain it please. I would love to hear this.
What the hell.
Coministism and socialism are similar. The biggest diffents is Coministism is a type of Goverment and the goverment controls everything. Socialism is a type of econmney where everyone works for the same pay and it is to better ones self. Everyone pays higher Taxs so the goverment takes care of almost everything that people need but it still alows free market and free choice.

Here a kicker for the Comistism was based on one guys theroy he wrote (sorry I dont remeber his name) and he even stated in it that it would not work because there is no drive in comusism to do better.

Oh and FYI the American systesm is not a true capitalist system either and I can prove this one 2.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 11:37 pm
J3utton wrote:And yes, if somebody dosen't like capitalism it DOES make them a commy or a socialist.
No it doesn't. It just makes them people who don't agree with the system. And from the way you talk, you give other programmers a bad name. I'm glad I don't know a damn thing about programming--because if I did, I'd be the only one with morals out there.

At least I'm not a hipocrite. Please go and crawl back into your hole. You're not proving your intelligence by attempting to insult me one bit.

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2003 11:44 pm
by Axilla
What exactly is coministism and how does it differ from communism?

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 12:13 am
by Anthony
Axilla wrote:What exactly is coministism and how does it differ from communism?
Why do you feel the need to attack ever single person when the make a simple mistake? I hope you don't honestly put every thing you post into Word to check for errors as you suggested in another location.

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 12:26 am
by Axilla
PhaseDMA wrote:Why do you feel the need to attack ever single person when the make a simple mistake? I hope you don't honestly put every thing you post into Word to check for errors as you suggested in another location.
I never have once, I'm just not an idiot. Its something I encourage for idiots, such as timeless. If you want to try to describe something, at least try not to look like a third grader?

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 12:44 am
by Timelessblur
Axilla wrote:
PhaseDMA wrote:Why do you feel the need to attack ever single person when the make a simple mistake? I hope you don't honestly put every thing you post into Word to check for errors as you suggested in another location.
I never have once, I'm just not an idiot. Its something I encourage for idiots, such as timeless. If you want to try to describe something, at least try not to look like a third grader?
Some how Axilla I think the fact that you have to insult people to make you self feel good says a lot about you. Now I notic that you dont tend to insult people as much at the DeadAIM forums hell you dont pull much crap over there at all. All I can say for you Axilla is you need to get a life