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Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 10:06 pm
by NirvanaAnavrin
where is the links for questions and answers? :o

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 10:06 pm
by Big-O Mark
aclauser wrote:I dont know... The Big-O lawyers I hear get paid some major money... I think AOL is a little afraid lol
We simply hand over all our AIM+ profits to them :).

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 10:19 pm
by Anthony
May Bill Gates be replaced by the likes of Ryan, and Mark.

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 10:21 pm
by SparkleSatine
Ugh. May Bill Gates just simply fall off the face of the earth. Screw replacements; Microsoft & Gates both belong in Hell.

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 10:28 pm
by Anaconda
sorry i just got back on after my internet has been there some chat tonight that im missing? and if their is can somebody get me in it? thanks :wink:

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 10:46 pm
by SparkleSatine
Anaconda wrote:sorry i just got back on after my internet has been there some chat tonight that im missing? and if their is can somebody get me in it? thanks :wink:
I dont think there is...I could be wrong.

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 10:57 pm
by djouch
i want to know is who is making the attacks??

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 11:07 pm
by SparkleSatine
djouch wrote:i want to know is who is making the attacks??
Nice thought. Really adds to the thread.

Sorry that the ENTIRE rest of this thread is about this.

Oh, and everyone does. We're not going to know.

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2002 11:23 pm
by Moon Child
I haven't been able to catch up with reading all the posts since I am busy with finals week, but I felt the need to stop and put in a few comments.

I don't know the severity of the attacks on Mark and Ryan, but I do believe that they had stopped for a good reason. Put yourself in their shoes. If you were working on something for FREE and then started getting attacked for it, would you want to continue? I think they did the right thing, even if they didn't tell anyone when it first started to occur.

If someone had been threatening me the same way, which I believe was severe enough for them to stop AIM+, I would have done the same thing. If the attacks were personal, I wouldn't want to share it with everyone right away, not at least until it became a much bigger problem. I'm glad the had enough guts to tell everyone what was going on at least, not necessarily as what the actions were, but that it was happening.

I hope that eventually someday things will change for Mark and Ryan, but right now, good luck guys and here's hoping that things will get better.

:wink: Oh, and if I could Ryan and Mark, I would give you guys each a big old hug to try to make things feel better. :D

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 1:36 am
by BenQuilter
eh, well, you could always just take an offensive position, instead of going into defense mode, release it, and piss the f*ck off whoever was harassing you, and then if they call your house, or send you lots of emails, just go with the flow and make fun of them constantly, send them shitloads of emails, photoshop them having sex with horses and send it to their friends, and if you know who it is, send them real letters in the mail, etc. if you're going to be harassed, you might as well enjoy the ride. the whole thing with bullies is they pick on ppl who don't threaten them. like my friends dad, he used to be a bully until this one kid who he always beat up on one day threw a knife in his back, sure eugne beat the sh*t out of him, but after that, he didn't mess with him no more, becuase it was too much trouble. that same idea could apply here as well.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 2:34 am
by Frank Grimes
I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for all your hard work on AIM+. Even if there is never a new AIM+ released, the service you guys have provided for free is much better than a lot of stuff you have to pay for!

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 3:57 am
by GHetto F0ol 07
Hey! I don't know if any of you guys found out how to work AIM+ History, but i have. And I'm sure if it would work on yours, but try. Open AIM+ History. When it's open, Instant Message yourself or anyone. Then go back to your AIM+ History. There should be a "Date". Click it. Everytime you select a different screen name. You have to send another IM(Instand Message) or if an someone IMed you.

p.s. It might work on yours. Try it!

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 4:05 am
by Plasma2002b
(im assuming your talking about AIM+ and AIM 5)

bah.... i think ill just stick with AIM 4.8 for a while. That crap seems like too much trouble just to see your history when you could just go to the folder and see the HTML's themself just as easy.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 9:30 pm
by Sandman
First (and probably last) post.. but, I had to say something after reading some replys.

How can you guys be mad at Big-O when without them, AIM+ wouldn't even exist? It doesn't make sense to me how somebody can be angry with them, whether or not AIM+ 3.0 was ever created in the first place, because if it weren't for them, you would have had to use the annoying ad-filled real AIM. Its kinda like the movie Spiderman, the citizens start hating Spiderman after he did all those sweet things.

Also, you can't call someone a pussy for backing down because they're being repeatedly harassed. First of all, you don't know the magnitude of the harassment. And even if you did, nothing is worth risking your life, or other things that are important.

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2002 10:07 pm
by JohnyReb
Sandman wrote:First (and probably last) post.. but, I had to say something after reading some replys.

How can you guys be mad at Big-O when without them, AIM+ wouldn't even exist? It doesn't make sense to me how somebody can be angry with them, whether or not AIM+ 3.0 was ever created in the first place, because if it weren't for them, you would have had to use the annoying ad-filled real AIM. Its kinda like the movie Spiderman, the citizens start hating Spiderman after he did all those sweet things.

Also, you can't call someone a pussy for backing down because they're being repeatedly harassed. First of all, you don't know the magnitude of the harassment. And even if you did, nothing is worth risking your life, or other things that are important.
Here are right...very right