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Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 5:30 pm
by harra
I have been here forever (since about Late 2001), but I was a big-time lurker for awhile. It wasn't until someone proposed deleting all user accounts that didn't contribute to the boards that I decided to make my first post.

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 5:33 pm
by Timelessblur
harra wrote:I have been here forever (since about Late 2001), but I was a big-time lurker for awhile. It wasn't until someone proposed deleting all user accounts that didn't contribute to the boards that I decided to make my first post.
I think that needs to been done still. if you look at the member list there are pages of people who not even posted since before AIM+3 be ax and then all those people who joins at the time to make a few post. a lot of them had not been back since those few hecked days

Re: AIM+ 2.0......(3.0)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 12:28 am
by Big-O Mark
romeo0045 wrote:i remeber reading a post by either mark or ryan stating that there might be a new release of the version 2.0 that would support aim5. i just wanted to know what was going on with that because i use deadaim right now and i hate it. i love aim+ soo much better but i like aim5 so, u know. but if mark or ryan can reply to my post or maybe sick a news bullieton on there front page about a possible new 2.0 verison with 5.0 support. sorry about the misspellings, i have bad grammer.

PVT Seidel
U.S Army
At this point we still have no plans to release new versions of AIM+. Even a month later it is still a bitterly disappointing decision for us to have made. However, with everything that we have had to endure, it was a decision that had to be made :(.

Re: AIM+ 2.0......(3.0)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 1:03 am
by Axilla
Big-O Mark wrote:At this point we still have no plans to release new versions of AIM+. Even a month later it is still a bitterly disappointing decision for us to have made. However, with everything that we have had to endure, it was a decision that had to be made :(.
You're still alive, you're not in the hospital. No offense, but tuck in your lips and release the program.

By the way, either you or Ryan never PMed me like you *promised*

Re: AIM+ 2.0......(3.0)

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 1:58 am
by Plasma2002b
Axilla wrote:No offense, but tuck in your lips and release the program.
No offense, but tuck in your lips and accept the facts that its not gonna be released :-?

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 8:01 pm
by shinryuu
You guys have done excellent things with AIM. AIM+ 2.2.1 > AIM 5.0. I hope all the best in the world for you guys in whatever you do.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 8:12 pm
by Moon Child
the_few_the_many369 wrote:hey yet still no one has answered my question. All you have has is just mocked me bout crap. Well anytime would be nice to tell me what happened?

p.s. my new posts got locked lol :-?
Alot of those posts following that discussion have gotten locked, and I pretty much assumed that it was because we strayed so far off the topic that it was easier to do that then keep it going and having this topic be lost amongst it.

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 9:15 pm
by Timelessblur
harra wrote:
the_few_the_many369 wrote:hey yet still no one has answered my question. All you have has is just mocked me bout crap. Well anytime would be nice to tell me what happened?

p.s. my new posts got locked lol :-?
You were answered. It was in this post KooLTaB101 pointed you to some links that gave a discussion of what happened.

You can also refer to the first post of this thread written by Mark & Ryan. The answer is out there if you do a little digging. The moderators made it easy to find threads with info about the situation by making them announcements and sticky threads. There is also a whole forum "Big O Chat" that is devoted to questions that were asked of Mark and Ryan and the answers that felt comfortable in giving.

If you are still unsure of what is going on, ask a question that is more succinct than, "What's going on with AIM+?" and someone might answer you. But, in a nutshell, Mark and Ryan have answered all questions they are going to answer to the level of detail they feel comfortable answering.
to add to what harra said if you still do not understand post it hear in this tread (AND ONLY THIS TREAD) and make it very very clear what part you do not understand other wise we will just refer to the chat and FAQs. But before you post here again read them. We attive member read this thread everytime there is a new post.

Re: AIM+ 2.0......(3.0)

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 6:56 pm
by Axilla
Plasma2002b wrote:
Axilla wrote:No offense, but tuck in your lips and release the program.
No offense, but tuck in your lips and accept the facts that its not gonna be released :-?
I use DeamAIM now and don't care if AIM+ 3.0 ever gets released or not, I just wanna see how long this thread will go.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 7:00 pm
by Anthony
Well thanks Axille! I really enjoy reading wasting my time reading pointless threads like this. You have made my day :D ! Oh look how exciting. I made a another post to this.

If your not going to post something that directly has to do with AIM+ 3.0 there are many other places to make pointless threads, like the OT Forums. There are even threads like "Keep this post at the top" where there is no set topic at all.

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2003 7:16 pm
by Matt
biting my tounge hurts :wink:

WTG Anthony!

Seriously, Axilla...what is the point of staying here if all you are going to do is complain about AIM+? If you like DeadAim so much, go there. Like aclauser said, go to the OT forum if you are going to talk about "nonsense". There is no point on talking about it here...
*wishing I have the super-mod powers here to split this thread*

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 4:16 pm
by Axilla
KooLTaB101 wrote:biting my tounge hurts :wink:

WTG Anthony!

Seriously, Axilla...what is the point of staying here if all you are going to do is complain about AIM+? If you like DeadAim so much, go there. Like aclauser said, go to the OT forum if you are going to talk about "nonsense". There is no point on talking about it here...
*wishing I have the super-mod powers here to split this thread*
I stay here because I like AIM+ more than DeadAIM, and I still believe that at some time, whether it be in a month or a year, AIM+ 3.0 will be released, or at least an update to get it to AIM 5.x compatibility.

Re: AIM+ 2.0......(3.0)

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 4:19 pm
by Master Jedi
Axilla wrote:I use DeamAIM now and don't care if AIM+ 3.0 ever gets released or not, I just wanna see how long this thread will go.

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 4:20 pm
by Anthony
Stay. We are glad to have people here. Just to to refrain from making pointless posts.

good job guys

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2003 7:48 pm
by punkroksmiley
Even though you guys have decided to cancel the production of AIM+ 3.x, I'm still happy with ya guys. :lol: you made a great program which thousands of us used, and I for one would just like to say thank you. Those harassers (AOL? Random assholes?) should rot, because they obviously never used ur great stuff. well good luck in the real world. Hopefully you'll find something you can use in the future and do really well. :lol: 8) :P :roll: the real world is boring anyway :roll: