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Posted: Fri May 16, 2003 6:01 pm
by Robpol86
yea, when i 1st came here it was cuz of aim+. i didnt know wat hkSFV was. then one day i decided to d/l it and now i use it very often. im anticipating the next release

Posted: Fri May 16, 2003 11:08 pm
by thecaptainjs
Well you once said that you were working on a new version aim+.... hmm that never came out..... and now you are saying you are working on a new verison of hkSFV.... well no offense but i have a hard time believing you. You can keep saying that you will "release this" but so far we havent gotten more then well we are working on this and we arent going to release this.
I was a big fan of big-o-software, and when there was the whole aim+ problem i was one of the people who set up that aol chat room. We did everything we could in order to help, but regardless you said tough luck, you no longer cared. I am sure that the people here are nice, and i remember talking to Dadink about the whole situation, (congrats on being a mod now) i was really let down when aim+ was given up on, i mean there is such a demand for things like that, in fact deadaim is charging now, and i cant imagine how much they will make, i had to switch to deadaim cause i had to upgrade aim, it was a really hard descision, but after being let down. anyway, sorry for being "disgruntal" i just wish that you guys hadnt given up on some of us. i will probably keep checking in on the site just because i have hopes that you will one day release the new version.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 5:34 am
by fuuucckkers
thecaptainjs wrote:Well you once said that you were working on a new version aim+.... hmm that never came out..... and now you are saying you are working on a new verison of hkSFV.... well no offense but i have a hard time believing you. You can keep saying that you will "release this" but so far we havent gotten more then well we are working on this and we arent going to release this.
I was a big fan of big-o-software, and when there was the whole aim+ problem i was one of the people who set up that aol chat room. We did everything we could in order to help, but regardless you said tough luck, you no longer cared. I am sure that the people here are nice, and i remember talking to Dadink about the whole situation, (congrats on being a mod now) i was really let down when aim+ was given up on, i mean there is such a demand for things like that, in fact deadaim is charging now, and i cant imagine how much they will make, i had to switch to deadaim cause i had to upgrade aim, it was a really hard descision, but after being let down. anyway, sorry for being "disgruntal" i just wish that you guys hadnt given up on some of us. i will probably keep checking in on the site just because i have hopes that you will one day release the new version.
First off, Big-O did not simply GIVE UP on AIM+. It was a very hard decision for them to make. As Ryan stated, if you read this entire thread (at least the usefullness of it).. there were personal attacks against him.. and thus the only way to cease the attacks was to stop the release of AIM+ 3.0. Don't you see this!?!
And no you didn't HAVE to upgrade AIM, you can still use AIM 4.8.2790 as most of us do here, and also use the current version of AIM+ as well.


Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 6:08 am
by Anthony
You people really need to learn some patience. Big-O-Software has only been around for... A little bit more then a year, and all some of you can figure out how to do is bash them.

It's people like you who make it worse then it is. If you were Big-O would you rather be harrassed and serve a program to people that will be pissed or even upset for MONTHS? I sure wouldn't. There are ways around this problem, like simply getting a ad remover. AIM+ still logs, and it still clones... So you need to do only two things... Find a mod for the dll (which you can find one on these very boards), and get a new log viewer (which you can also find on these very boards).

If you people would stop wasting your time posting these rants then you might have some time to figure out a way around t his.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 8:01 am
"All we need is just a little patience."
- Guns n' Roses

I understand why you're disgrunted. If you ask me, the people over there at JDennis are probably taking it worse than people here did. A few things to note:

The target audience: people who use AIM (obvously), so you'll get stupid punk kids who think they should get everything for free and handed to them without question or delay.

At least Big-O Software makes other software. All JDennis makes is DeadAIM. They're basically a one-trick pony. Maybe the clouds will clear and they'll realize that even that isn't working, but who knows.

Just wait and see...something big may be in store in the future.. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 3:18 pm
by Axilla
Even though my account and IPs are banned from jdennis, I still have to ask, why bring up a random insult about them for no reason?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 11:00 pm
by Anthony
I don't see any insult other then the comment about them taking it worse then the people did here, which is what he thinks, and has every right to voice.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2003 11:20 pm
by Big-O Mark
Once again, this thread is about Big-O Software and AIM+, and is not about DeadAIM. There are many existing threads about DeadAIM in the AIM Misc forum, and all off-topic posts will be removed from this thread.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 4:17 am
by Axilla

Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 7:45 pm
by Walker
Well I sorta do agree with him. All this talk about peeple threatining Ryan and messing with the site makes me realize something, Peolpe Are COMPLETE and TOTAL Asses!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2003 7:25 pm
by th3gh05t
SkatePhilly wrote:Hey guys hope you do good in the real world. . . I will be waiting for the new release. Take as much time as you need. You guys are still the best and AIM+ is still the greatest. Thanks for your time.


Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 2:42 pm
by airesso
I'm surprised this is going on still. I don't see why people even care anymore. I do have a little question... If Aim + is dead, why is there still a huge portion of the site devoted to it. I think a simple page with just a link to the program would do you just fine, and save you some money on bandwidth as well, or do you guys just enjoy the attention?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 2:51 pm
by harra
From the way I hear it, there is still a large following of people who have refused to upgrade into the 5.x world of AIM. For those in the sub-5.x AIM World they need a product to use and AIM+ is still serving that community of people. They may not be fixing bugs or adding features, but when used with the properly supported AIM client, it is pretty solid.

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 2:52 pm
by Robpol86
the entire site isnt devoted to aim+, aim+ has its own secion. Big-O is also workin on other progs, like hkSFV (which im anxiously awainting). most of the bandwidth is prolly being used by the discussion forums

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 5:45 pm
by Anthony
...And there are the people that refuse to upgrade to AIM 5.x for reasons other then AIM+ not supporting it fully.

In the mean time go look at the AIM+ download counter... In a hour refresh the page... You'r see just how many people "don't" still download AIM+...