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Download older version?

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 1:13 am
by redbo0m
i hate to say it,, but i was wondering where i could download an older version of hksfv? i like the new one and everything,,its just the multi sfv load thing is really bothering me.. i know how to do it with the new one..i just miss the dialog too much.. do you have a link to the setup of the previous version of hksfv? thanks for such a great easy to use, no wonder its number 1

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 1:18 am
by Big-O Ryan
You'll have your dialog again, this weekend sometime, I think. :)

In the meantime, is there anything else you miss - or were hoping to see and don't?
redbo0m wrote:so easy to use, no wonder its number 1

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 3:25 am
by iKickDogs
I just upgraded from v0.96* to 2.00. The first thing I tried to do with the new version was create an sfv by dropping a folder on the hkSFV icon, which is how I did it with .96. It didn't work. I realize that the shell extension can be used, but I don't use hkSFV often enough to warrant leaving the shell extension on.

That brings up a second issue. I didn't see an option to disable the shell extension anywhere in hkSFV's preferences. I did it manually (by renaming the dll) but to be able to toggle it through the preferences would be nice.

Even with those two small issues, hkSFV is by far the best sfv tool around. Thanks!

*0.96 worked so well, I never checked for a 1.x :)

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 3:36 am
by iKickDogs
heh, I just saw the version history. :oops:

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 4:00 am
by Big-O Ryan
I can add the option to toggle the shell extension, too. It just took a back seat to a lot of other stuff for the 2.0 release..


Although, about dropping folders on hkSFV to create an SFV, this is trickier. I drop folders onto hkSFV all the time to check them..

Maybe what it should do is ask when you drop a folder -- do you want to check this folder or create an SFV for it (and maybe with an "[x] always do this" checkbox).

Of course, it's trickier than that, even, because hkSFV supports SFV and MD5 creation (with more formats coming), so I don't know which of those you want to create.. Again, maybe an option here on the same dialog as before? It's just getting a bit messy, and the shell extension is certainly an easier solution (although I do understand that if you like to keep your right-click-menu tidy, hkSFV might not make the cut :) )

I'm not sure what the best way to handle this one is, so let me know if you have an opinion..

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 5:05 am
by iKickDogs
Your response time is impressive :)

Just a quick mention of how I used hkSFV before, so you know where I'm coming from. When I wanted to create a SFV, I'd drop the folder on either the hkSFV icon, or an already open window. hkSFV would warn me if there was already an SFV the directory, and I would decide whether I wanted the creation to continue. I really liked the way that worked.

When I wanted to check an SFV, I would first look in the directory to see if an SFV was present. Upon finding one, I would double click it. With the new version, I think it's likely that I'll continue checking for an SFV and double clicking the ones that I find, since not everything that I download contains an SFV. I may be alone in that approach, so if anyone reading this thinks that I'm insane, please weigh in with your opinion on the following:

The suggestions...

Ideally (read: in the perfect world that seems to exist only in my head), when a folder is dropped on the icon or an hkSFV window, the program would check for an SFV/MD5 in the directory. If an SFV/MD5 is present, it would ask whether the user wants to create or check, with an option to make one the default.

If there is not an SFV/MD5 in the dropped folder (or the user chose 'create' in the scenario described above), hkSFV would ask whether the user would prefer an SFV or an MD5, with an option to make one the default. If either SFV or MD5 compatibility is disabled, it would create the one that is enabled immediately.

Did that make sense? I see how it could be messy, especially for a program as simple as hkSFV, but I think that allowing the user to customize the way the program works would be cool. Then again, maybe I should spend more than ten minutes using the new version before suggesting drastic changes :P

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2002 1:25 pm
by redbo0m
thanks for the great news ryan, ill be looking forward to that.. the only thing your great program could use (not counting the mass sfv load dialog), would be Result file creation (as talked about in ) this would be a great feature to add and surely win you over all the other fools who havent swtiched to hksfv.. keep up the great work.