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"buddy pic" option on right click buddy name menu

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 12:25 am
by Vel
would be nice to be able to right click a buddy name, and click on a "see picture of buddy" option, or "set picture of buddy" if one hasnt been set.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 12:43 am
by Plasma2002b
if ya wanna see the buddy icons, in any IM window that your in withsomeone who already has one showing up, click their icon. This will bring up the preferences dialog with the list of all your buddies and a pic of the icon thats associated with them.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 12:50 am
by fuuucckkers
Plasma ... I dont think thats what he meant.
right click a buddy name, and click on a "see picture of buddy" option
I think he meant .. a real picture of the person. Like some of you AIM Addicts out there have your 200 users maxed...
you cant remember what user "hotsexygirl3330" looks like? No problem, just right click their name in the buddy list, select the option "Buddy Pic" or something similar if a picture is already set..and it will show you a picture of who that person is, maybe of a pre-defined size picture or it could open up in a new browser window even...who knows.

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2002 1:01 am
by Plasma2002b
ahh... i stand corrected.

and also, thats a good idea, lol.
i wouldnt mind having that feature

/me is an AIM addict