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Always/Automatically DirectConnect

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 7:35 pm
by Big-O Ryan
How about this as an option? I know that I really enjoy that 'typing...' feature of direct connect, and the lack of limits on text size, and of course the images. I'd like to be directly connected whenever I open a chat with somebody.

I would make AIM+ automatically handle the options (bypass dialogs automatically), because I know it's easier to have things setup for you than to fire up AIM's preferences, BUT I think keeping AIM's preferences in tact would be good for this one, because it (unlike me) would be allowed to only permit users on your list to Direct Connect automatically.

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 7:47 pm
by Big-O Mark
I like the idea of "Always Directly Connect [ ]" as an AIM+ option a lot. The typing alert and the lack of a message size limit is great. Allowing always direct connect to be limited to users on the your buddy list is a good idea too.

As with just about everything else, it should be an option, not something forced on everyone.

A final concern ... what would happen to your buddy if he is not using AIM+ with always direct connect on? Would he receive the usual direct connect dialog, etc. ?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2002 8:37 pm
by Big-O Ryan
Right now, AIM+ can't really determine which users are on your Buddy List or not. AIM, however, can. In AIM's preferences, there are options to automate the direct connection process to all users, or just users on your buddy list.

So, I'm thinking AIM+ would basically just be initiating the direct connection whenever an IM window is opened - if those AIM options weren't setup right, this would be a painful option to have on. It's a tad silly to duplicate them in AIM, but easy is good - I could set them up for you automatically (direct connect w/o warning to buddies only is probably the desired setting for most people), or simply inform you when you turn on "auto direct connect" that you should go set those up right away.

If you communicate with people who have to hit 'ok' every time you try to direct connect, they'd probably ask you what was going on pretty quickly, especially if you close/re-open the window often, like I do.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 3:33 am
by Guest
sorry.. but i think this is a BAD idea... for one) have you tried to connect with three people at the same time? it pops up with this nasty lil note sayin its waiting.. and to resolve that one first.. for two) i know ALOT of people who use 33.6 (i dont want to waste their bandwith) and finally *im sure ill add more later* three) some people hate the fact that you can NETSTAT and get their IP Address.. and will think many things when i keep tryin to direct connect when i first IM Them...
overall.. in a perfect world.. yes.. this would be a nice option.. but ya know.. its not needed.. if someone wants that option.. goto yahoo.. or ICQ even.. AIM nah.. buddies wont like it..

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 7:07 am
by Big-O Ryan
Well, your first idea (one) is simple enough to handle, if you turn off "display status dialog" as well as "display start dialog" in AIM you won't see any boxes about connecting at all when you do a direct connect.

As for consuming more bandwidth (two) - I'll have to check, I haven't been on a modem in a while, but it seems silly to me that a direct connection would consume more bandwidth.. I can imagine that the ping between two people on slow connections, directly connected would be slower, but it doesn't seem like it should be hogging your bandwdith.

And as for revealing your IP address - this is definitely a concern, and the reason why I was discussing only letting this happen with user's on your buddy list above (and I still haven't completely figured out how that would work yet..)

But this option definitely wouldn't be for everybody, and I can't see it being on by default. I use AIM to talk with only a handful of people, all of them also use AIM+, and are free to know my IP address (Your IP address really shouldn't be a liability, anyway). I know that isn't the case for most users.

My biggest complaint with it right now is that, even if every works ideally, your IM windows will probably grow to contain quite a few junk messages like "ryan wants to direct connect", "direct connection opened/closed", etc..

It's just an idea right now, anyway - thanks for your thoughts!

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 12:47 am
by Guest
wont work.. for this one reason alone..

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2002 11:59 am
by Big-O Ryan
D'oh! I could probably work around it, though -- but I certainly wasn't aware of this goofy limitation.. Thanks!

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2002 10:30 pm
by Big-O Mark
Here's another take on auto-direct connect. It could work like the AIM privacy preferences. Users could add buddies they want to always directly connect with to a list; every other buddy is connected to normally.

If you're on a high speed connection and a your buddy is on a high speed connection, directly connecting is instantaneous when both buddies have the AIM preferences set up to allow direct connect.

It may help work around some of the aforementioned problems.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2002 11:35 pm
by sn0n
Mookie.. not true.. im on cable and my best friend is also on cable.. (same town even) and when we try to connect.. it takes about a min to hit.. then it connects.. it might have somethin todo with FireWalls and Proxies.. i dont know.. but its not allways 'Light Speed' connect

der.. another thing.. make the option.. but DeFault OFF and make it click that window that pop's up..

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2002 12:17 am
by Big-O Mark
You can set up AIM so that no windows pop up when you direct connect with your buddies. In preferences under "IM Image" uncheck the two display boxes and choose allow for users on your buddy list. If both you and your buddy have these options checked, neither of you will have to click through the dialogs and it will be able to establish the connection much quicker.

As for the always direct connect option ... if it's implemented in the manner I described above, if you add a buddy to the always directly connect list, I'm sure it will always try to directly connect; that's what the list is for :).

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 12:00 am
by sn0n
MookieNJ wrote: You can set up AIM so that no windows pop up when you direct connect with your buddies. In preferences under "IM Image" uncheck the two display boxes and choose allow for users on your buddy list. If both you and your buddy have these options checked, neither of you will have to click through the dialogs and it will be able to establish the connection much quicker.
Not true.. im not some dumb AIM n00b.. i have the option checked.. as does he. what im tellin you thou. is that just cuz you are both on fast connections.. dont make it automatically.. there are lots of variables.. current internet activity.. pc processes.. firewalls.. proxies.. not to mention the thousand others.. sometimes we connect fast like you say.. but then again.. about 50% of the time.. its slow.. and allmost waits til the timeout to connect.. i dont want to argue.. im just lettin ya know..

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 2:46 pm
by Big-O Ryan
sn0n: based on your previous posts, i was definitely in agreement with Mookie that one of you simply didn't have the options set right :) [because for me and most of the users I direct connect to, it is lightning fast] - but, I beleive you now - and I do agree that the time will vary under even the best conditions. still, Mookie's idea is probably the best solution so far, simply have a list of people you'd like to be AutoDirectConnected'd with.

We'll see - it's not worth a whole lot of argument yet, unless somebody has new ideas, since it hasn't even been attempted yet..