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IE-style toolbar

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 3:37 pm
by cbarnes913
I like the way you can customize the toolbar in Internet Explorer. You can add and remove specific buttons, you can move them around, etc.. I would like to do this with AIM. I would like to have a single button bar at the bottom of the list on which I could pick and choose which buttons appear. I like this because in AIM 5 there are several bars of buttons, but each bar has probably one button that I actually use. Using AIM+ I could hide all these bars of buttons and add just the ones I use to a single bar.

Another reason I like the IE toolbar is because it has the options to keep or remove the text on the button, and you can choose between two different sizes of buttons. This is good for space freaks like me. I like the smallest window possible.

Which brings me to another idea. Maybe you guys could make your own buttons that would open the menus built into aim. This way I could hide the menu bar too! Am I worrying anyone? It's bulky. Does nobody agree with me? HAHA. Keep up the good work guys. I love AIM+