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Display bug (minor)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2002 8:23 am
by iSteve530
I believe this is new to AIM+ 2.0, I do not remember it in version 1.0.

On my buddy list (nothing but the list displayed) I have a gray dot right about the Online Tab and another one on the right side. It looks as if a tiny part of the ad is being displayed. I would include a screen shot, but do not have access to my ftp from here. IM me or ask for it in email (asking here is fine of course) and I will send it.

Win2k sp2
AIM+ 2.1
AIM 4.8.2646

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 4:38 am
by Big-O Ryan
Please, do e-mail me a screenshot (