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If you have a lot of IM's ... (Trillian)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 3:03 pm
by DC United013
If you have a lot of IM's just get trillian... It has AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, and IRC. its pretty cool. you can also change the skins on it for your custumized look 8). Im me on one of my messengers if you have a question.

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 3:06 pm
by Plasma2002b
we all know about trillian..... and frankly, not many of us like it....... its just so......... blah :-?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2003 3:08 pm
by ImmortalDragon
Trillian always confused me, and I dont have that many buddies on YIM, ICQ and MSN

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 9:27 am
by Master Jedi
I have some questions about trillian:

1) When I modify my AIM buddy list in trillian and then log into AIM, my buddylist has a new group called "Merged Contacts". When I delete a screen name from my buddy list, after a few minutes I get a message that my buddy list was received from the server and everyone I deleted comes back. Is there any way to make it work like AIM's buddy list?

2) I have a friend that uses trillian. When he's at school, he never goes idle, but when he gets on his computer and then (presumably) gets off, he goes idle. That doesn't make any sense to me unless he disables idle before he goes to school and enables it when he gets back, or trillian has the ability to set your idle time.

Those are the 2 main things. If I think of any more I'll post them.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 10:35 am
by fuuucckkers
Master Jedi wrote:I have some questions about trillian:

1) When I modify my AIM buddy list in trillian and then log into AIM, my buddylist has a new group called "Merged Contacts". When I delete a screen name from my buddy list, after a few minutes I get a message that my buddy list was received from the server and everyone I deleted comes back.
That's what pissed me off with Trillian when I tried to use it.
I have about 5 seperate groups in my Buddy list for AIM..and when I went to use Trillian.. it added another group called Merged Contacts.. (????)

I started to not like I unistalled it. Afterwards.. the 'Merged Contacts' group would NOT go away within AIM. I even unistalled / reinstalled... and still would not go away..
I got so fed up it forced me to format my computer.. :evil:
(this was before I knew about / used AIM+)

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 2:32 pm
by Anthony
This only happens if you log onto Trillian with two AIM accounts at once. I know that is one of the perks of Trillian but I suggest you don't do it...

As for me... Does anyone know how I can make my background color be a certain color and not just up to the end of the text?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 4:59 pm
by Matt
I'm goin try to answer these questions to the best of my knowledge of Trillian...if someone knows something else, correct me plz.
Master Jedi wrote:1) When I modify my AIM buddy list in trillian and then log into AIM, my buddylist has a new group called "Merged Contacts". When I delete a screen name from my buddy list, after a few minutes I get a message that my buddy list was received from the server and everyone I deleted comes back. Is there any way to make it work like AIM's buddy list?
I didn't know the "straight" answer, but searched Trillian's forums and came up with this answer:
Originally posted by alybug2003
My brother, sister, and I all use the same trillian program for our message needs. We are having problems though. Our contact lists are all being added together. How do we keep it from combining our lists and keep them seperate?

Since it's already happened, there isn't much you can do about it now unless you get each contact to remove each of the "wrong" people from their lists and you do the same.

The reason that this happened is because Trillian doesn't have the ability (yet) to keep accounts seperate. For example, contacts for MSN account ScreenName1 and contacts for MSN account ScreenName2 would be merged in Trillian because Trillian doesn't see them as individual.

When a second account is added, a popup box warns the user that the contact lists will be merged because Trillian doesn't recognize per-account contact lists.

The way to avoid this is to use Trillian profiles. Set one up for each user or each account. Make none of them autologon and point them to different folders on the hard drive for profile storage. If it's multiple accounts for one person, make multiple profiles and run multiple instances of Trillian, each logged in to a different profile.
Master Jedi wrote: 2) I have a friend that uses trillian. When he's at school, he never goes idle, but when he gets on his computer and then (presumably) gets off, he goes idle. That doesn't make any sense to me unless he disables idle before he goes to school and enables it when he gets back, or trillian has the ability to set your idle time.
Is he away as well as idle, or just idle? There could be a plugin he uses because theres no "default" setting for programming yourself to be idle AFAIK. Ask him...

x Wasted Mind x wrote:
Master Jedi wrote:I have some questions about trillian:

1) When I modify my AIM buddy list in trillian and then log into AIM, my buddylist has a new group called "Merged Contacts". When I delete a screen name from my buddy list, after a few minutes I get a message that my buddy list was received from the server and everyone I deleted comes back.
That's what pissed me off with Trillian when I tried to use it.
I have about 5 seperate groups in my Buddy list for AIM..and when I went to use Trillian.. it added another group called Merged Contacts.. (????)

I started to not like I unistalled it. Afterwards.. the 'Merged Contacts' group would NOT go away within AIM. I even unistalled / reinstalled... and still would not go away..
I got so fed up it forced me to format my computer.. :evil:
(this was before I knew about / used AIM+)
Merged Contacts should go away as long as you put them in another group...the folder, that is. I found another thread that was kinda helpful:
Nearly every morning a new group as been added "Merged Contacts (0/1)" showing 1 member but not showing it underneath.
How can I block this?

Right click on your contact list, choose "Contact List Options" and uncheck "Hide Offline Contacts". The contact in your "Merged Contacts" group will then appear, and you'll be able to delete or move it. Once you've done that you can safely delete the group and turn back on "hide offline contacts".
PhaseDMA wrote:As for me... Does anyone know how I can make my background color be a certain color and not just up to the end of the text?
I will look into this...

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 8:58 pm
by Master Jedi
I think you misunderstood #1. I installed trillian on a freshly formatted computer and set up 1 AIM account. I deleted the entire contents from the buddy list (all groups and SNs). I added 1 group with 2 buddies. About 30 seconds later, I got a message saying my buddylist was received from the server. All my old SNs and groups were back along with the new names in their group. I signed off a trillian and into AIM. My buddy list was the same as before except that there was a new group called Merged Contacts with the 2 names I added previously.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 9:10 pm
by Matt
Well, that makes perfect sense. The buddies that you deleted were still on the AOL servers. When you delete a buddy in Trillian, I don't believe it gets permanently it goes by the BL that you have on your computer. When you start, it merges together all buddies (the ones you add as well as others). That is why, on AIM, you would have the group called "Merged Contacts" because AIM doesn't know which group to put it in as Trillian doesn't tell it correctly. I am sure that there will be fixes for it in the future as the current release is kinda old...