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"The Sickness"

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 1:43 am
I just thought I'd let everybody know that I have a tape of my radio show "The Sickness" back up at school on WQKE. I intend on digitizing the tape and encoding it as an MP3 in the next week. It's a two-hour show, so that means the MP3 will be about 120Mb in size. If any of you guys with domains out there would like to host a copy of the show, get in touch with me via IM and I'll hook you up with the MP3 once I'm done with it.

It's not one of the best shows, but it'll give you an idea of just how crazy two guys from Long Island and one big guy are. :lol:

And we are:
Carl ViƱas: master of the board, keeper of togetherness, keeper of the logs, and setter of the pace (that'd be me)
Dave Siegel: master ranter, storyteller, and local Jew
"Big" Chris Hunter: maker of witty and snide remarks, master of double-meanings, and owner of the best laugh ever

I'll keep you guys informed.

Peace! 8)

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 6:18 am
by Anthony
I'd be intrested but I don't have a domain let alone the space.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 6:51 am
by Matt
I can't host it...but I want to view it...

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 7:23 pm
Okay, well I'm gonna start on the tape later tonight--it should take me about three hours total to record and process. Seeing how people would like to hear it, i'll get on it right away.

I'm still looking for somebody to host the file once it's done. Anybody willing?

EDIT: Just to let everybody know, I dubbed the show, and I'm gonna begin cleaning it up and such. This show gets hysterical in the bottom half of the 2nd hour. One of our friends calls us up, and while he was on the phone with us, he was getting head from his girlfriend! :o
It should be done sometime later tonight.
I'm still looking for a host. Matt (KooLTaB) is being na great help and asking Bryan Villarin if he could host the file once I finish it. Anybody else interested in hosting? Mirrors are always nice to have. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 10:27 pm
Okay, just to update everybody on the status of the file:

I <explicitive deleted> the second side of the tape. I don't know how it happened, but I have to rerecord the second side of the tape. So this will take a bit longer than I had expected.

Still looking for a host.. :-?

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 10:49 pm
by Anthony
There has got to be some weird website with a billion ads that you could host it on. I mean you want have to go to the web site its self right?

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 11:01 pm
aclauser wrote:There has got to be some weird website with a billion ads that you could host it on. I mean you want have to go to the web site its self right?
Well if all else fails, I may be able to set up some sort of shoutcast server on my machine, but I don't know if shoutcasting will work since I am behind a firewall. The original idea was to have the MP3 available for download.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 11:17 pm
by Anthony
How big is the file (about) going to be?

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 11:21 pm
aclauser wrote:How big is the file (about) going to be?
Well, if I encode at 128k/sec it'll be about 120Mb.

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2003 11:24 pm
by Anthony
... So much for my idea ...

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 1:15 am

I got a host. Bryan Villarin has graciously agreed to host the file for one week once I finish with it. He'll be monitoring the bandwith however, so if it gets out of hand, he'll pull the plug on it. So please, don't go crazy downloading it--I want to spread "The Sickness" to as many people as possible, so please use discretion when downloading it. I think everybody (including myself) should give Bryan a huge thank you for doing this for me.

Bryan, you kick major ass. You rock dude! 8)

It should be done sometime tonight. I'll post the link once I finish. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 6:17 am
by Anthony
Bryan is so awsome. Time after time he does things for people with nothing expected in return. Words can't even describe it, and as if being extreamly nice was not enough he runs a great small (but very smart) forum

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 12:33 pm
Well I have a status update:

Last night the file was uploading, and the connection got closed. So I just started uploading it again.. :roll:

If it doesn't screw up, it should be done in about two hours.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 2:26 pm
"The Sickness" is now online at The file has now finished uploading, and is ready for the masses. Go get it at:

Now just remember that Bryan has graciously hosted this file for me. Please thank him for doing such a thing. And remember, if the downloading of it gets out of hand and eats too much of his bandwith, he'll pull the plug.

This fourm will remain open for any feedback. Let me know what you think. Now, go..spread the sickness! 8)

Stupid Statistics:
Total Editing Time: about five hours
Tools used: Cool Edit Pro 2.0, Sound Forge 6.0b
Compression Algorithm: MPEG-Layer 3, 128kbit/sec
Filesize: 106Mb
File Length: 1:55:48
Number of times I swore while editing: I lost count after about fifty.

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2003 3:32 pm
by Anthony
DADINK13 wrote:
aclauser wrote:How big is the file (about) going to be?
Well, if I encode at 128k/sec it'll be about 120Mb.
Wow. It is officaly 106 MBs. Thats was a good guess.

Thanks Bryan for hosting and thanks Carl for editing it.