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Add ability to use a CRC included in the filename

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 2:02 pm
by Wahaha

I'd like to suggest adding at least partial CRC-in-filename-compatibility. My apologies if it has been requested before and if I can't add anything useful by this post. (I couldn't find anything using search though)

Checking of CRC by filename (that's the important part ^^):
If you have a file like "something(ABCDEF12).txt" or "something[ABCDEF12].txt", that could be the CRC to verify the file with when using "Verify individual file".
That'd be a great help in cases of such files, because otherwise one would have to create a new sfv of that file (and enter a name if it has been enabled) and then open it with an editor to compare the two CRCs. :roll:

In case you believe this to be useful, you could also consider including an alternate way of storing the CRC, by renaming...

Creation of CRC and storing it in the filename:
It'd be just like it currently works (maybe the database-part has to be modified?)... instead of writing the filename+CRC-line to an SFV-file, it would rename them to filename[CRC].extension (or whatever one would configure in the options).

...A checkbox in the save-sfv-as-dialog like "[X] Append CRC to filename instead" might be a nice integration of such a feature...

Thanks for your time :)