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Runtime Error-- Help!

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 12:27 pm
by blueanjelwingz07
Everytime i sign on to Aim + after about 5 minutes i get a runtime error. as soon as i hit okay i get disconnected from Aim + and wont be able to see any of my Ims. how do i get rid of this runtime error. It only started happenin after my Aim was upgraded to 5.2.3277. How can i fix this? i was told i have to uninstall then reinstall but i dont even kno which version of Aim + i have.. I have tried to uninstall the reinstall.. but i still get a runtime error.. help please.. and quick! :|

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 12:29 pm

no- that isnt it.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:22 pm
by blueanjelwingz07

:-? no that isnt it. two ppl use my computer at the same time. i will sign on to Aim and i'll put up an away message so that my brother can go on. he will then go on Aim +. so while im away on regular Aim, which ive had no problem with - he will be on Aim +. after he upgraded our Aim, whenever i was on Aim and he was Aim + after a lil while he would get a run tim error. we only use Aim + when more than one person want to be signed on at a time. ive tried reinstallin it, but that didnt work. how could we fix the runtime error so that we both can stay online at the same time?