College Computer

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Re: College Computer

Post by Michael »

PhaseDMA wrote:Then it hit me... The computers are re-ghosted each time they are rebooted :twisted: . I guess that deals with every single problem someone could possibly do to the computer. What's more they are reghosted from a network drive so even if you get something really bad on the HD you won't mess up the ghost image.

Quite clever if you ask me, but I have never heard of such a practice before let alone seen it be done. Do any companies do this? I know it could be kinda tuff to do on a business computer because of issues like saving things, but if you throw in a network drive to save to it really deals with this problem. The other problem is the 20 min boot time, but for a tech company because of security settings it might be taking that long anyways.

Any thoughts on this?
Remarkably, this is pretty standard. It so happens the "re-ghosting" (known technically as "re-imaging") is pretty standard. That's how we install software where I work (which is a university, in fact) and all our public machines are re-imaged constantly, too. Only professors' and staff computers are not.

It's a fairly simple and quick process to do, and you only have to install software once (on a master image). Furthermore, if there are problems with an image, you can easily fix them (only once!), and if a prof messes up his computer, it's easy to set it back to University default settings.
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Post by Anthony »

As far as fixing really messed up computer with a image my HS did that every time (in other words when the "tech" couldn't fix it in 5 mins (granted any thing more then 5 mins would take longer then to restore a image).
PhaseDMA - Check it out
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Post by Matt »

Last year, my HS had all these crappy comps (and this year they are brand new dells (2.6 ghz, 512 ram, etc.)). Anyway, on last year comps, he had something similar to what anthony has (probably the same thing). He used norton ghost to give everyone a smiliar image then something like deadsomething (like key or somethig). Anyway, it made it so when the comp rebooted, it went back to the image.....which was a good thing cuz we would always mess up the registry and stuff. Anyway, we have new dells now and pretty much its a user acct (win xp) and he has basically everything locked down (like theres no taskbar...). Anyway, I've found a bunch of ways around the trade and have trillian installed on one comp in my own personal folder (we each have individual logins so he can "track" who will mess up machines). Anyway, its pretty funny in my opinion. He tries to block hotmail access, but theres like 2 ways around it as well as yahoo mail too.....
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