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Introducing Local Profile 1.2

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:13 pm
by kuja
I made a program alot like Hyper info called local profile 1.2, as you can see by the topic title. just like hyper info, it has not the same, but even more raw commands that you could put in your html document. This acts like a simple profile server and when someone clicks on the link you give them in your info, it will log their screenname, IP address, the page they are viewing, plus the date and time. You can have 404 error pages when a page that they click on does not exist. you can also ban people either by their screenname, ip address, or both. you can also leave a nice little custom message to let them know that they have been banned also. I also made it so people can only view it from your Aim Profile window, not a webbrowser such as I.E
Note: The IP filter doesn't work 100% accurately, so you might want to configure the banned names/ips in banned.txt
If you are curious about anything else, it is most likely in the ReadMe file. If it isn't however, feel free to drop me an instant message at work at hardees.
the download location is at
Not all the features work yet. if i make a newer version in the future, i will add a window transparency window and fix up a few minor bugs.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:17 pm
by Plasma2002b
soooooooo..... wat ur saying is you made a webserver
