Recent AIM Administrator Convo

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Recent AIM Administrator Convo

Post by Plasma2002b »

ok, heres the thing.... one of those lame scripts i made for laughs finnaly pissed off the wrong person..... an internal :o

so yeah.... lol... i got my account suspended and whatnot :( , but thats not what this post is about. But if you wanna read the conversation on how i got my SN taken down, lol, you can read it here and stuff.

But the interesting stuff was later in the day, he IM'ed me again asking to take some stuff off my website, but he started up some interesting conversation after this.

If anybody wants to know a few things about how an AIM Administrator works, or what he/she can do, just READ THE CONVO HERE.

He also gave me a link to a few screenshots of the service he gets to use. Im sure everyone has seem something like this, but its actually a little more in-depth than the more commonly seen sysop screenshots around the net.

(nvm - had edited it out)

anyways.... that is my 2 and a half cents :P

Oh, and PS:
Last edited by Plasma2002b on Mon Dec 30, 2002 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by jester22c »

Lol thanks for that, very entertaining...

That is horrifying how AOL has netOPs for multiple ISPs... I don't think any better of AOL employees than I do of their software if that tells you anything. I've delt with several of them before and most of them don't know the difference between a registry and their sisters titty :roll: so the thought of one of them having netOP tools in their hand(s) is a little unsettling...
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Post by fuuucckkers »

That sucks man.. so those sysops actually have power to shut down websites???

That's crap if you ask me. We pay 10-30 bucks a year..and you go and piss off one sysop and they might shut down your site?? Bull.. I think he was abusing his powers a bit.. Someone should report him to AOL. :) That would be funny..
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Post by Plasma2002b »

i wouldnt have believed it if i hadnt seen it myself...... i still havent figured out HOW.
from wat he was tellin me, it was inside the AOL main inner site itself. Was AOL somehow DOSing me maybe? i doubt it.....

im gonna go check into my weblogs from this morning and see what was happening at that time


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Post by jester22c »

As he somewhat explained (although not in detail) ISPs and hosting companies as well as registrars have a set of tools, web based, from which they can disable domains, accounts, even IPs at the click of a button. Evidently AOL netOPs have access to the disabling of domains (although if you typed in the IP my bet is it still would have worked fine). As I said in my last post... that's a scary thought :roll:

Yes I do think he was missusing his powers as well. Whether or not your site had anything at all to do with AOL or AIM or his mother for that matter... you still retain the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Not to mention that you did [to the best of my knowledge] violate any agreements of use by that little harmless script on your site. To top it all off he was a butthole to you. Ops and mods alike are supposed to act in a very professional matter... I guess he forgot that part.
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Post by Cards »

I think this whole thing is fishy...if this guy is so powerful and has so much security responsibility, why is he lettin himself get infected with SubSeven? THEN, he gives a site full of stolen screen shots to a random person who he obviously doesn't like much...sounds like pretty stupid behavior from such an important person, not to mention doing it from their work-SN. I almost feel like this was a somewhat skilled hacker...for the fact that he knocked your SN and website. but the way he spoke was completely unprofessional, so it's really hard to believe he was really employed by AOL. Any way ya look at it, I'd be reporting it to AOL. If he was for real, he should be gettin in trouble for goin overboard and bein a prick...
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Post by tone »

i agree with cards i mean i am not so sure a skilled hacker but you never know. he was so unbelieveabley unprofessianl it was bit funny because AOL employes are usually very polite and talk with capital letters in the begining of every sentence and periods, he was very rude and abused his powers way too much
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Post by jester22c »

I have talked to several AOL employees that were just as stupid and buttholish as that guy was, so I wouldn't be surprised in the least bit if he really was from AOL.
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Post by DADINK13 »

Damn, what a prick. If that guy was seen in the streets, I think he'd get a massive ass-kicking. People like him are people who's mommies didn't love them as a child. And what I don't get is why he'd make such a fuss over some 18-year-old's personal website.

..What a douchebag. :lol:
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Post by XIII »

Yeah, that guy was an idiot, i mean if i were him i wouldn't even be bothered by any of it. But some people were dropped as babies and raped by thorn twigs until they were old enough to leave home, and i think this guy was one of them. He's just a bored (being bored = no creativity) loser with alotta time on his hands and no real job. siiigh, if he is from AOL though, its scary that they can do that even though they have no right.. i would sue AOL and make it VERY public, and if i couldn't sue 'em, i'd print it out, tell my story and send it to some sort of press to make it public, so AOL would regret it and give me some sort of offer.

ps. if your on AOL and threten to cancel, most of the time the people will do alot to keep you with AOL.
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Post by XMenKMan »

You should have asked him how many porn people he has disabled since if he is like the rest of us, he gets a lot worse from them.
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Post by Michael »

Cards wrote:I think this whole thing is fishy...if this guy is so powerful and has so much security responsibility, why is he lettin himself get infected with SubSeven? THEN, he gives a site full of stolen screen shots to a random person who he obviously doesn't like much...sounds like pretty stupid behavior from such an important person, not to mention doing it from their work-SN. I almost feel like this was a somewhat skilled hacker...for the fact that he knocked your SN and website. but the way he spoke was completely unprofessional, so it's really hard to believe he was really employed by AOL. Any way ya look at it, I'd be reporting it to AOL. If he was for real, he should be gettin in trouble for goin overboard and bein a prick...
I am inclined to agree. Not with all the details of what Cards said, but he/she's right, the whole thing does seem a little fishy, and I think maybe it's some prankster yanking your proverbial chain.
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Post by Plasma2002b »

i do realise it seems kinda 'fishy'...... but i also doubt it was a professional 'hacker' or anything.

What i just think it is is that the provlidges that are givin to the AOL workers eventually just eat into the heads of these guys and theyre corrupted by power.

If you wanna see what i mean, look at the very top of that log, youll notice he automatically says he has the power to disable my SN. Now i dont know about you, but that just seems like he's bragging to me :wink:

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Post by Plasma2002b »

while were on the subject of administrators....... anybody know anything about the steve case d00d?

he keeps a real low profile.

lol... think he even uses AOL?

10 to 1 says hes on MSN :wink:

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Post by Jay135lb »

xWastedMindx wrote:That sucks man.. so those sysops actually have power to shut down websites???

That's crap if you ask me. We pay 10-30 bucks a year..and you go and piss off one sysop and they might shut down your site?? Bull.. I think he was abusing his powers a bit.. Someone should report him to AOL. :) That would be funny..

I totally agree... isn't that called censorship?

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