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What should I get CRT or LCD

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Post by Timelessblur »

Whick do you all like better. CRT monitors or LCDs. Right now I am planing on buying a new computer (I may have a friend help me build one it depends how I feel). More to the point is I am serirel considering forking over the cash for an LCD monitor. I going to be at Texas tech next year so I know that I could be limited on Desk space (I have not had a really good look at the dorms I will be staying in so I not sure if there desk are built with a spot for a monitor or not.

Also what are some other advantiges and Disadvagtges Of having a LCD over a CRT (beside the raw cost) ... omulan.jpg
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Post by Michael »

LCD's use a lot less power and are generally sharper, but really, both have their benefits. For one thing, CRT's are viewable from a large angle; the color and brightness changes on an LCD according to where you view it from. From what I understand, CRT's generally provide a better image for gaming, although I forget why, and as I am not a gamer, I don't really care too much about that issue. I'm not sure about lifespan (ie does one last longer than the other), or if that's even really an issue. LCD's don't emit radiation, but that's not really an issue anymore, either.

What do I like? Personally, I like LCD's. I find the picture quality to be better. Furthermore, my primary computer is a laptop, so I use an LCD a lot more. Even at work, the iMacs and G4's I use all are hooked up to LCD's. But would I buy an LCD? No, simply because of the high cost. My Dell workstation is hooked up to a good ole' 17-inch CRT monitor.
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Post by jester22c »

LCDs are good in the respect that they are bright, slim, and crisp. But I still prefer flat CRTs over today's current consumer level LCDs. One reason is refresh rate. LCDs come with much lower refresh rates than CRTs, but with good reason. The screen is not drawn the same was so it doesn't need to be refreshed as often. You can't notice it when you're using desktop apps but when you are gaming or watching a movie that refresh rate can come into play and create what they call "ghosting" where the fast moving images somewhat smear across the screen. LCDs have gotten alot better about this, but they're still not there... yet. There are some LCDs that are superior technologically over CRTs and have no drawbacks to them... but they are far out of my price range and thus aren't even an option. I would use an LCD for desktop apps. You know, web surfing and all that; but I have to have my flat CRT for gaming and movies. I'm also a college student so money is a bit tight. Ramble ramble ramble, that was my .02
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Post by Matt »

I am using a 15" LCD and IMHO it is the best purchase I have made in a long time. First, it hardly takes space up. Second, the bright brilliance in the screen doesn't get dimmer. Third, the picture quality is awesome. Fourth, people think you have a great system because of the look of the monitor (lol).
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Post by Timelessblur »

Yeah that ooo and ahh factor adds a lot to LCDs. I also know LCD product a lot less heat than CRTs (the computer run get pretty hot if some using the computer for more than a few hours. I firgure I might add to it I want at least a 17 inch montior (It going to add something like 400 to the cost) and the upper limit I can really afford on a new system is 2100. I have about 4K bank so I think I can afford 2100 from it and still have enough left in saving to drain over the next year or so. My parents will help slow down the drain next year by give me some money ever month but still i know I gong ot drian my savings. ... omulan.jpg
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Post by fuuucckkers »

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Post by Big-O Mark »

I would love to get an LCD monitor, but I have to stay away because of the high cost. I can't afford a new computer with a nice flat screen monitor ... heck, I can't afford a new computer in general, even without speakers, monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. :sad:.
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Post by fuuucckkers »

That sucks dude.. but who am I to speak.. I cant afford one either..
Stupid college loans. :-?
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Post by Big-O Ryan »

The picture produced by CRTs is still superior to LCDs, but most of the problems with older LCD monitors are almost a non-issue with the current models.

The biggest problems used to be the viewing angle and the ghosting -- viewing angle has never been a big deal for monitors, but the ghosting was awful for viewing any graphics intensive stuff (3D applications, video, and gaming). But the new LCD's are really quite good about that stuff.

Still, LCDs remain less flexible with regards to their supported resolutions. They have an optimal resolution, and running it at most other resolutions can cause it to look noticably artifacted. Again, not often an issue for the desktop user, but many games require (or merely run better) at specific resolutions.

So, I'd say to try before you buy -- and if you're a gamer or into video-on-PC, make sure to give it serious consideration. But LCDs are basically superior if not for their cost.

Also, keep in mind that you could have three equally-big monitors for the price of your LCD. And more monitors is good.
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Post by Timelessblur »

this is all very helpful info. I know by next monday weather the LCD monitor will be a defiend yes or I will still be thinking about it because next monday I am going up to texas tech again to do all my registoring for classes and while I am there I will get a good chance to look at the dorm rooms. If the desk dont have a spot built for a planly a good spot to set one I going to go LCD simply because desk space is such a high premum but other wise I will keep thinking about it looking at the advagteg and disavagtes of going LCD

the plus so far
+they take up less space
+They are a lot easier on the eyes
+they have a high ooo and AH factor
+I think they look cool
+they produce less heat
+uses less power

-lower refresh rate
-ghosting (I have not seen that problem on my laptop yet)
-there picture are not always a good (I can nto tell the diffent but I not an art freak)
-viewing angle (I can get over that one I pretty used it and they are getting better at fixing it)
-they have a lower proformance for gameing (I like playing games)
-they cost A LOT (that somethign that turning me agaist them)

please keep adding to this list because this is only the stuff I gather so far ... omulan.jpg
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Post by ashtray »

Big-O Ryan wrote:And more monitors is good.
soooo good. i use the second output on my GeForce 4 to my tv as a second monitor in my dorm. while its not at all practical for most applications, its great for watching downloaded movies with a group of people, rather that having to watch the 19" on my desk...
oh, and i use a crt by the way
please stop. now.
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Post by Timelessblur »

Well everyone I have desided to go with an LCD monitor when I get my computer. The desk and Texas Tech just dont have that much room to spare. Mix that with the way I do work at a desk.. Lets just say I like to use a lot of room. ... omulan.jpg
Yeah I know I got pulled in but its a nice way to kill time
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